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Question: Any ideas for a Harry Potter Fanfic!?
I have an account in www!.fictionalley!.org, and I want to write a fanfic that focuses on Parvati Patil or Lavender Brown!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have an account there too!

You could write about how they became friends in their first year!.

You could do something from Parvati's point of view about whather opinions on Ron and Lavender's relationship were, like a diary entry!.

What about writing what happened to them after the war, and how they kept in touch!? JKR doesn't mention them in interviews, so I'd like to see something like this!.

I'll post more ideas if think of any!.
What's your author name!? I'd like to read the fics when you've written them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com