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Question: Fantasy book recommendation!?
I'm looking for a new book or series to read!. I love fantasy and animals!. I have read Harry Potter, Warriors, and The Twilight Saga!. I have also read others, but does anyone have any recommendations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fire Bringer (David Clement-Davies) is a great one!. It's an animal fantasy book, about a deer born to fulfill a prophecy, very interesting! :) The David Clement-Davies books are great - there's another really great book by him about wolves (I can't remember the name!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Lord of the Ring series is probably the best fantasy you'll ever find - although, many find Tolkien's in-depth descriptions to be a bit tedious!. Personally, I loved it - but, it's a matter of taste!.

You could also try "Crown Duel" by Sherwood Smith, which has a lot of action and some great romance, or "Sabriel" by Garth Nix, which is the first book in the "Abhorsen Trilogy!." Both are fantastic examples of YA fantasy!.

The Wrinkle in Time books are good, but might be too easy, considering they were written, for the most part, with children - and not teens - in mind!.

Stephenie Meyer also has "The Host" out!. It's more Sci-fi than Fantasy, but it's definitely worth looking into - especially if you enjoyed the Twilight series!.

There's also "The Pellinor"series, by Alison Croggon - which begins with "The Naming!." It's actually a fairly decent series, and most people who've read it have enjoyed it immensely!.

I've also heard good things about the author Tamora Pierce, who wrote "Trickster's Choice" - among various other novels!. Her style is refreshing, and her books are really good at grabbing your attention!.

If you're into vampires, there's also the "Vampire Academy" series by Richelle Mead, the "Last Vampire" series by Christopher Pike, or the "Blue Bloods" books by Melissa de la Cruz!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure how old you are but i really loves the Unicorn Chronicle books when i was younger!. i haven't read them in a while so I'm not sure if they would interest you depending on your age!. But also i would agree that the Wrinkle in Time books are wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wrinkle in time and that whole series!.!.!.!.

The Host isn't fantasy but if you liked Twilight you might like it!.
