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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anybody can give me answers to these twilight questions?

Question: Anybody can give me answers to these twilight questions!?
Aren't the vampires in the twilight series supposed to be pale white!? why is laurent(Edi Gathegi) in the movie black!? And can Robert Pattinson speak with American accent!? Is he half american half brittish or what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the book, Laurent has an olive complexion underneath the pale!. They don't turn white when they become vampires-but they no longer have blood to give them flushed looks!. That is why they appear so much more pale!. The black tone in skin is caused by melanin, not blood, so if he was black before he was turned, he will be black after as well!. Being black in the movie was a style choice by the director and casting agents-as was the long hair on both Laurent and James (who both had cropped hair in the book)!.

As far as an American accent: he uses one the same way that American people put on a fake British accent!. It is called acting!. Ever seen Pearl Harbor!? Kate Beckinsale is British!.!.!.you wouldn't know in the movie though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With books that turn into movies, there are always going to be details that are different than what is said in the books!. We just have to deal with it!.
And, I think Robert CAN speak with an American accent!. It is possible, and I think he does in the movies!. Chuck, from Gossip Girl, is British but speaks with an extremely nice American accent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably white people get lighter when they become vampires and black people just get a little lighter!. i dont think a black person would turn chalk white, that'd be sorta weird!. i never pictured laurent looking like that though!. i think robert pattinson is doing an american accent for the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Have been asking myself the same question bout Laurent
And Yes Robert can speak in an american accent!. Kinda like how Hugh Laurie does in House!.
No clue how they do it, but it's kinda cool!.
I live in England, but I'm really American and most people here suck at America accents!.
Hope this helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

its called good actingWww@QuestionHome@Com