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Question: The Host by Stephanie Help!!?
ok who is the Host!?
The Seeker!?
and the healer!?
Whos bad or good!?
confuse im reading itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The host is named Melanie Stryder!.
The Healer's name is Fords Deep Waters!.
The souls are aliens that invade different planets!. They come to the planet, insert themselves into the most intelligent species on the planet, and take over without anyone knowing!.Wanderer was put into Melanie, but instead of Melanie fading away, she stays to talk to Wanderer with her thoughts and occasionally take control!.
The "Good Guys" and "The bad Guys" change through out the book!.
But at the beginning, the main character, Wanderer (a soul), thinks Melanie is bad and the seeker (I forgot her name) is good!.!.!. But that changes quickly!. Sense I don't know how far you're into the book and whether or not you want spoilers, that's pretty much all I can say!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is Melanie!.
The Seeker is!.!.!. well, the Seeker!. I think she's the woman who finds Melanie!. Seekers are people who search for humans!. They are like the police kind of!.
Wanderer's Healer was named Fords Deep Waters or something; Healers are people who!.!.!. um!.!.!. heal souls!. They are like doctors, I suppose!.

The "good" people are like the humans and Wanderer!. The Healer isn't really "bad" either, but most of the protagonist-role belongs to the humans and the antagonist-role belongs to the souls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is Melanie, and is on Wanderer's side!. The Seeker doesn't have a name, but is trying to use Wanderer's memories to "Seek out" the humans!. (Jared and Jamie)

The Healer (Fords Deep Waters) is neither good nor bad!. He's just doing his job, by inserting Wanderer into Melanie at the beginning of the book!.
