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Question: How to publish a book!?
I'm writing a teens book ( or I'm gonna try at least) and I'm writing it off my computer and I have a couple of questions!.!.!.!.!.

1!. When I'm finished writing I'm gonna print it from my laptop, can I submit the work on stapled pieces of paper!?

2!. Where do I send it to so a professional can read it!?

3!. Will I have to call them!?

P!.S!. I'm only 13 and I have a lot of great ideas I no this isn't impossible so please don't tell me at my age it is

Thank you and a 5 star best answer will be selected for vivid descriptions

Thanks AgainWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's really long and complicated!. I'll give you a link to a site that explains it in the sources!. You can also search on yahoo answers because you're not the first to ask this!. Unless your parents are loaded, you won't be able to afford it though!. Agents, publishers, and editors don't work for free!. I'm guessing since you're 13 that you don't have a job, so you certainly won't be the one paying for it!. Not to be mean, but at your age, I doubt your ideas are developed enough to get published anyway!. There are very few authors that get published as teens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well first of all,you need a good idea for a story-ya know,get it all written out,then print it!.But to actually publish it it a whole other deal:Go to Fedex Kinko's and hand it over to them!.They bind it together with a plastic spine!.Then you'll need to look up a phone number or website adress for a publishing company!.A good company is Random House Publishing Companies Inc!.But if you just go on and send your creation to them without first cosulting them with a weeks notice!.The will just throw it in a "to be read in the future"pile!.Then, once they get to your story,if the publishing agent likes your story,she'll hand it to the boss to see if he/she likes it,and if he/she approves,they'll bind it together after consulting whether you want it paperbacked ar hardbacked!.Thyen once that's done,they'll ship the books to stores worldwide and then, voila!You've got a possible bestseller on your hands!Hope it helps!Alot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest that you check out a book from your nearest library about how to get published!. It's better than looking through articles online, because as informative as they can be, you don't want to read something that will give you false information!. You can always trust the printed word!.

Anyway, in response to your first question, are you asking if you can print out your novel, staple it together, and send it off!? Not recommended!. Editors tend to like reading loose leaf paper!. It makes their job easier!. Don't forget though that there are other preparation you have to make to the pages, such as margins and labels!.

Second question: If you want it professionally read, do you mean by a publisher!? If so, I couldn't just tell you a name and address to send it off to!. It takes research to determine which publishing company best suits your novel!. Look to see what publishers have marketed books like your own and seek them to publish yours!. Another idea to help with publishing is to send it to an agent!. If they think that your novel is worth pursuing, then they'll help you get it published!. If you mean a professional as to reading it and editing it over, you don't necessarily have to!. A good critic is a plus -someone who isn't afraid to tell you what you did wrong on, but someone you can trust!.

Third: You don't have to call a publisher!. You mail in your manuscript and get your answer mailed right back to you (because of course you'll be using an S-A-S-E)!. That's self-addressed-envelope!.

Again, reading a book about publishing really helps!.

And P!.S!. to you: You're quite correct when you say it isn't impossible!. Keep up with that novel of yours and don't give up! Www@QuestionHome@Com