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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How can I show time has passed when writing a story? I want it to be clean and n

Question: How can I show time has passed when writing a story!? I want it to be clean and not choppy!.!?
I don't know if the title to this was clear enough but I can clarify!.
Say I have a few paragraphs and then I want to branch off and show that maybe the day has gone by!. You know what I mean!? What would the cleanest way to do that so it doesn't sound choppy!?

I'm trying to fine tune my writing and that is basically the last I need to tune up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
depends on the length of time passing and the level of importance between the events
for example:
start a new chapter if a lot of time has passed or a significant event or change is about to occur

signify a time change without any breaks if nothing major happens and there is no major time difference (simple ex: they woke up and ate!. later on they took a nap)

for something in the middle of the previous, use three asteriks to signify time has passed and an event (not major) is coming up, like this

(end of paragraph)
* * *
(new paragraph)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm no writer, but I guess you can demonstrate time by being more descriptive!.!.!.like saying!.!.!.

As he kicked open the door to his old room, he noticed everything was as he'd left it all those years ago!.!.!. etc;
or !.!.!.!.
Paul was desperate to close the deal of his life that morning!. Nothing could dampen his spirits, not even the stubborn grey hair that protruded from his nostrils !! LOL You get the gist!.!.!. :)

Oh , if its just a day, I guess you can make reference to the 24 hour period like!.!.!.
It was as if last night's full moon had played havoc on Arabella's destiny!. With dawn, any spell that existed at camp in the days leading upto that morning, had irrevocably broken!.
Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Like some others said, just define that time has passed by saying "A couple of days later!.!.!." or "The days went by pretty fast!.!.!." or "By the next morning!.!.!."!. This let's your reader know the time is different!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

do it with the weather, describe what the day was like or have the character adjust the thermostatWww@QuestionHome@Com

"As days flew by, Jeremy's thoughts grew more and more troubled!."

That's usually what I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could maybe say like (for example) Three weeks later, Amanda was still mystified by what he had told her!.

That's one way to say it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com