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Question: What is the dark tower books about!?
what are they about!?
Without spoling it can someone tell me what its about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's set in a world that is parallel to ours ( Wild West, King Aurthur) but primarily right on the other side of the dimensional fabric!. The hero, Roland, Is the last Gunslinger, is on a quest to find the man in black and the Dark Tower!. That's really all I want to tell you right now because any more and I'll be typing for hours!. But one thing you should read before or during the time you read them, is read all the other books Stephen king wrote that are Dark Tower related!. I'l give you a short list

The Stand
Lisey's Story
Rose Madder
Hearts in Atlantis
The Mist
Salem's Lot
The Talisman
Black House