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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?

Question: What do you think of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer!?
What did you think about Bella turning immortal and being a vampire !? Do you think Edward deserves her!? Or Jacob!? Over all what did you think!? I want your option~!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I KNOW Edward deserves her!
Jacob deserves someone !. !. !. more/different than Bella !. !. !. You know!?
I was glad about Bella turning into a vampire (FINALLY! oh and same for the marriage =D)

I would say it was !. !. !. a bit disappointing in some matters!. I thought that Steph could have been more !. !. !. creative at some points!.

I hated that Bella changed from a teen to a mother so quick!. I hate that about the book!. I mean, so fast!? Like, what about the college and stuff! Steph could have taken this farther but !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually did like the book!.

Bella becoming a vampire was inevitable, but I didn't like her vampire self!. Bella has always been my least favorite character, and it stretched my dislike when she turned into a vampire!.

Er, I guess!? I don't know!. Bella/Edward are also my least favorite couple in Twilight!.

I think Bella doesn't deserve Jacob!. She was such a btich to him throughout the whole series!.

Okay you might be wondering why I read the series since I hate Bella and Edward, but I read it mainly for Jasper and Alice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actually really liked this book, i'd say it tied second with eclipse!.
buut, i really don't like renesmee!. i mean i like her all in all, but she was kindove in the way of bella and edward!. i'm not saying that stephenie meyer shouldn't have included her but renesmee was like the main focus of the book and there was basically no edward!. i was team edward before i read this book, and i used to hate jacob A LOT, but now that he isn't in love with bella anymore i have a new found respect for him!. so yes i'm glad bella became a vampire and bella and edward deserve each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Woah, Breaking Dawn is awesumness to the max!. I was always thinking that Bella would be transformed at the last bits of the book, I wasn't expecting Jacob to imprint on Renesmee, I was thinking that he would stay with Leah for a moment!. Oh well surprises are pretty cool!. I definitely think the Edward deserves her!. I love the way that he always thanks Jacob for all he has done to Bella and he does not show any problem with him!. I love it how they become very good friends!!! I would've liked the book if there was a death of sum kind!. I mean you do need some drama right!?!?!? Isn't funny that half the people who read Twilight like Jacob and the other half, Edward!? I guess they are both equally important!. I really like Bella's gift that she has, and the fact that she could transfer her thoughts to Edward in the last few pages! I believe that was a realy good part!. Oh, yeah, the wedding and the honeymoon was pretty cool, I kinda was expecting it to be a bit lame!. But it was all right!. Ok, Im sorry im rambling so much!. The last point i'll make is that, Harry Potter still is awesum in the books, not the movies!.!.!.ewww the movies are gayyyy!

Most importantly however, I LOVE BREAKING DAWN!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya know i liked it the first time through but then i started reading it again and i was pretty dissapointed!. idk it just seemed like edward didnt have as important of a role and bellas character completely changed!. and the whole fight with the volturi never led to anything either! and her having a kid! come on!. i think she could have done so much better with the plot line!. i think she was just trying to make it a happily ever after with no complications or tragedy!. but thats what makes a story interesting! i honestly didnt even bother to finish it the second time!. ehh idk i guess its alright!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVED it! i think it was, by far, the best of all 4!. :D
i agree with what stephenie meyer put in a couple times, that it was like Bella was born to be a vampire and all that!.
EDWARD definitley! no doubt!
if you look up Gaspard Ulliel images, that is my dream of Edward!. i loooovvvvveeeee him!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved Bella coming immortal!. I mean, wasn't that what we were all waiting for!? Edward deserves her, why wouldn't she!. i hate jacob so, he deserves no one!. i lvoed the book, its tied with Eclipse as my favoriteWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was really horrid and stupid!. That thing isn't even worth the name book, I refuse to call it a book!. Now to the main part, the search bar, it's there so we can use it, please do next time!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com