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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Please edit!!!! Midsummer night's dream play overview!!!!!?

Question: Please edit!!!! Midsummer night's dream play overview!!!!!!?
We're meant to design a poster with a brief overview of the play!. I was wondering if you'd edit this for me!? It would be greatly appreciated!. It's an English assignment and the teacher wants it to be appealing, and interesting!. This might be a bit too long, so I would be gratified if you'd find a way to include everything I've said, in a more professional manner and shorten it!. Thank you so much in advance!!!!

Let us retreat four hundred years back to the Elizabethan age, to the legendary world of Shakespeare! This is a Midsummer Night’s Dream, a romantic comedy set near ancient Athens and is one of Shakespeare’s greatest plays!. Fair Hermia is being forced to marry the man of her father’s choice, Demetrius!. If she refuses, she has a choice between becoming a nun and dying!. Hermia, who is madly in love with Lysander, refuses, and she and Lysander flee to the woods!. Helena, in love with Demetrius tells him of Hermia’s flight in hopes that he would show her gratitude!. Demetrius immediately leaves for the woods, with Helena following!. Yet a supernatural occurrence beyond their understanding causes them to fall in love with the wrong people and confusion reigns!. The story is made more complicated when Titania, the queen of the fairies also falls in love mistakenly, with a mortal who has the head of an ***, a man from a group of amateur actors who have entered the woods to practice!. Love is a matter of life and death in the city!. Out in the woods, where fairies play and the fairy king rules, anything can happen, and does!. Will all go right in the end!? Watch the play to find out!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
pretty good overview
take out the part about being a nun or dying because it's too detailed!. just say she's in love w/lysander!. also fix the "supernatural occurrence" part- say the fairies (titania and oberon) of the forest try to help the four out but when they mix up the lovers, confusion reigns!. (leave out the donkey part) otherwise- it's pretty good!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com