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Question: Need some names for a thing I'm writing!.!. :p!?
I need names for some characters:

-Twin cousins of the main character( I don't know whether to make them both boys, both girls or a boy and girl, please help with this too(The sex of the characters, do you think it would be better if their the same sex, or differeant sex!? :P ) They live with the main characters family!.

Main characters sister: So far I'm calling her Mary!.(I was watching In plain sight when I put her in the story) She just started to practice Wicca!. She's the only one that knows about her brothers(main character) secret!.

Um, Mom and Dads names would be nice too!. And the cousin's last name!.

Please and thank you!.

-I have already started the story, and I have the plot down, I just need help with names-

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twins- John and Jordan Mason (I usually like same-sex twins in stories, but it depends on the story)
Sister- Sarah, Helen, Jane
Parents- Robert, Theresa, Jack, Jannet!.
good luck!

The twins could be a boy and a girl, this way you could work both of them into the story, if you wanted the main character to have a girls advice or something, but at the same time you could have them get advice from the boy, if you know what I'm trying to say!. As for names you could call the girl Lexi, and the boy James if you wanted!.The mom and dad could be named Kathy and Paul!?And the sister (from what you described her) somewhat sounds like a Shay!. Although that isn't a very common name!.Hope that helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twin cousins of the main character-- I say do one of each gender!. Try random names like "Camille" or "Cameron"!. Their last name good be something classy, like Montgomery!.

I think Mary is a decent name!. Not too common, not too unique!.

Parents names, well, if it's from this day and age, things like "Michael" or "Sandra" could be appropriate!.

It's hard to choose names without knowing the plot!. Hmmm!.!.!.

The best thing I can suggest is to use a Baby name website!.

Good luck, my fellow writer!.

I think the cousins should be one boy and one girl!.
Some possible names can include:
(for the girl) Victoria

(for the boy) Nathan

The dad could be like a Donald!. or a Paul!.
and the Mom could be Patricia or Barbara!.
No idea about the last name for the cousins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would look at baby name books, i know it sounds stupid, but thats where i find some really good ones for my characters as well!. i would google "unique baby names" you will find ones that you really like!. i promise!. ^-^

plus, my name is raine, its a cool name, but found in baby books, it might help if you need long lists to look through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cousins both boys-Filbert and McGee Swanson!. Mary is great for the sister!. dad and mom-John and Thelma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aidan and Nadia for the twins (boy and girl)

Aidan is Nadia backwards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have friends who are twins named Derek and Elizabeth!. ^^ So I like those names, lol!.
I think the gender thing depends somewhat on how much you want to differentiate between the twins!. If you want them to be separate characters, I'd say make one a boy and one a girl so everyone can tell them apart!. If you'd rather have them sort of blur together for most people, make them both the same gender!. As for which one, look at how they work into your story and see if they need to fill the roles of males or females!. If it doesn't matter, flip a coin, lol!. ^^
Twin names:
Jamie and Jesse/Jessie
Eric and Aaron
Natalie and Stephenie
Sebastian and Anastasia
Peter and Patrick
Cristie and Carlie

Last Names:

Sister's Name:
I think Mary is boring and commonplace!.!.!. Maybe use something more exciting!? ^^

Parents' Names:


It's hard to name characters without having their personalities!.!.!.or what they look like!. It would also be easier to decide what gender to make the twins if I knew how they act around each other and other people!.

Here's my suggestions for picking names!. I use these methods all the time when naming my characters:
-Consider personality, then find names that fit that personality!. For example, I have a character who is very pretty and her name is Camille, which means perfect!.
-Use names of people you know or characters you like! I use this mainly for side characters!. Example: one of my characters, Kam, has an aunt named Lily (I'm a Harry Potter fan)!.

I really hope this helps! And if you feel like posting their personalities, I can help a little better!.
Try browsing names at babynames!.com, too!.

And for last names, type "surnames" into google!. I've also looked through my school yearbooks for inspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com