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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm 13 and interested in writing. Is there any possibility that I could work

Question: I'm 13 and interested in writing!. Is there any possibility that I could work online as a part-time writer!?
I like writing a lot, I write journal and blog entries all the time, and was hoping that I could earn money with that (Decent pay, of course)!. Half the money I earn will be donated for animal rights campaign, and the other half will be for my personal needs!. As a teen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I applaud your altruism, kid!. And the prose in your question is nearly flawless, though an article before "animal" would have been nice!. Is it possible!? Sure!. But , most likely, you'll need to pay some dues first!. What topics do you write about!? Societal issues are suggested by your stance on animal rights, but maybe you could also do movie or music reviews, for example!.
My best advice is go to the library and find a copy of the "2008 Writers Market"!. This volume will tell you pretty much any place - including online - that might consider buying your material!. Keep at it!. I sold the first thing I ever submitted, then got rejected eighteen times before I sold another one!. Good Luck!

Cheers Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find somebody with a website you have interest in who is looking for a way to draw more traffic to their site!. Tell them you will design content-filled pages for their website and it will draw visitors through search engines!. Charge them by the page or hourly or something!. That should get you going!. I used to do this myself!. Make sure you tell them where a lot of the money is going!. That will help to seal the deal because they will know their money is going to a good cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you could get paid, but not yet because you're only 13 and you can still develop your writing skills further!.
Practice for a couple of years on FictionPress or something and then you can start sending stories to people who could get it published!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually there are websites that you can post them online,but i never heard of one being payed for it, unless you want to work for the local newspaper!. I suggest you apply for a job at the local newspaper office in your area!. Or you could own your own website and earn money there!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think that you could get payed for writing on line!.!.!. Maybe if you joined a club or something you could get a little bit of money, just in the club activities and what not, but that's the best I can think of (for a teen) to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, I don't think any one will pay you to write on line stories!. But if you want to write for the un of it and get critiqued, you should go to Chapteread!.com!. Www@QuestionHome@Com