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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hey whats your opinion (the book lord of the flies)?

Question: Hey whats your opinion (the book lord of the flies)!?
How does Lord of the Flies concern human nature!? Are there any examples from the book that you have seen!?

What do you think!? Are human beings basically good, basically bad, or something in-between!? Cite whatever sources you like: books you have read, your own experience, or Scripture!. Be sure to make your answer at least two paragraphs long!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lord of the flies concerns human Nature because it showed every representing being in nature!.
Piggy- the nerds and the disabled
Jack- the power hungry jerks
The conch- the only sanity, the thing that holds society together!.
The pigs head(or lord of the flies)- a conscience or the little devil and angel on your shoulder!.
And so on!.!.!.

Human beings are bassically good, yes!. But then when in disaster, they do what they must to survive!. So in between!. Then you have the people that were not raised properly and therefore were not exposed to proper society!. Then they grow up to be different!. (Rapists, abusive parents, perv!.s and so on!.)

Source; personal experience and personal opinion!.

Hope i helped!:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You see, especially if you read Catcher in the Rye, kids are supposed to be the symbol of innocence in society!. They don't murder, steal, do drugs, or anything of the sort (generally speaking of course)!. But when you take them out of the society that views them as innocent, what do they become!? Savages!. They lie, they KILL, they do everything that would be appalling to society!. But the thing is, they're not ADULTS!. They're kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the point of the book is to say humans are inherently evil but it's a matter of choice, reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com


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