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Question: George Orwell's Animal Farm!?
I am reading this book as a summer reading assignment and I have a confusing question about it!. The question is asked in accordance to chapters 9 and 10, and runs as follows!.!.!.

What is ironic about the pigs gaining so much weight!?

Thanks I just can't seem to find the answer anywhere in my book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They limit how much the other animals can eat, while stuffing themselves!. So much for equality!.

It's one of several examples of the inherent hypocrisy of he elite in socialist systems (and humanity in general, for that matter)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jim the Fee, here

I took a look at the other reponse that was posted by "dukefent"
and he points out the best reason that could have been given!.
I only want to make a little commentary about George Orwell!.
George was writer of the time when fascism and dictatorships
were on the rise across the World - roughly 1925-1945!.
He wanted to call-our-attention to the dangers that awaited
all of the democracies that were in place in the World of that time
period!. The whole book "Animal Farm" was an effort to point to
the ultimate end of the political trend of growing fascism and dictatoriships in Spain, Germany, Japan, & Italy!. He furthered
this end result with the benchmark book "1984" which is a really
scary "predictive" book about the World in which there were no
democracies left and the totalitarian states (fictional in the book
but in place in reality) when the book came out in the 1930s!.
You might want to read a number of things cited in Wikipedia
under George Orwell that give you some real clues as to where and why WW II was fought!.


Jim the FeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

that everyone is suffering except the pigs!. it's about socialism, communism, like in the ussr where the average person was starving to death while stalin was fine and shipping out food so other countries would think the ussr had surplus!. the pigs have a ton and are well off but the ppl they are ruling are sufferingWww@QuestionHome@Com