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Question: How do i publish my book!? and acquire copywrite!?
i have written many stories and would love to publish it but i want to know the procedure as how to publish my book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The most effective way to secure representation with a traditional publishing house is to submit a succinct and powerfully written one-page query letter to a reputable literary agent!. A list of such agents can be found at the Association of Authors' Representatives website at: www!.aar-online!.org
Click the "database of agents" link and follow the easy steps to narrow your search to the agent that's right for your book!.

Whatever you do, DON'T SELF PUBLISH!. Coming from first-hand experience, if you self-publish you will regret it!. They'll drain your wallet dry and put you in debt!. Self-published books also have a "smell" about them that publishers run away from, even if the book is literary gold!.

Best of success to you and your book!Www@QuestionHome@Com