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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone ever read the book "Behold the Pale Horse"?

Question: Has anyone ever read the book "Behold the Pale Horse"!?
Can you tell me about it!? And tell me about the writer!? I don't want a wiki link either!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I read it about ten years ago!. It's tough to follow; really turgid writing!. But if you can get past the polemics some of the story is pretty interesting!.

The basic premise that about five years after the Roswell saucer crash, another UFO landed in the American Midwest, but this one was intact!. Three aliens emerged, one of whom identified himself as "Krell"!. Krell said that Earth had become interesting to the intergalactic community, and that more aliens than just his people were on the way!. He proposed a sort of "trade agreement"!. The American government got into a tough negotiation with Krell, but eventually a bargain was struck: in return for advanced alien technology, Krell and the other aliens would be free to abduct humans at their leisure!.

According to BtPH, all of the major scientific discoveries of the last forty-odd years have been the result of that agreement: transistors, computers, etc!. According to the book, the concepts of these devices are "leaked" to certain select scientists who are on the secret government payroll and then "discover" them!. He asserts that technology's rapid pace of development since World War II would be impossible without "outside help"; of course that completely ignores the Industrial Revolution and the development of steam power, but why spoil a good conspiracy theory with the facts!?

BtPH is filled with accusations of conspiracies and payoffs and murders of people attempting to "discover the truth", all of which makes hard reading!.

Cooper doesn't limit himself to just UFO's, but also drags in the Illuminati, Freemasons, and just about every semi-secret organization you can think of!. I finally chuckled, and read through the book with an indulgent smile on my face, thinking of the book as an elaborate comedy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!. I even have a copy of it in storage!. AND!.!.!. I even had a couple of letters I wrote some years ago, re-printed in it!.

It's a privately published book and it deals with Flying Saucers, Aliens and Area 51!. You can BUY a copy from Amazon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com