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Position:Home>Books & Authors> A few puzzling question in my "studing a novel" task. ?

Question: A few puzzling question in my "studing a novel" task!. !?

the book is Emma by Jane Austen, im studying the book but there are a few questions i really cant get answers too!.

a couple question is to do with the setting and reads ;
" is the setting just phisical, or is it to do with attitudes, expectations ect!."


" how crucial is the setting to the story!?"

thank you if you give any help :) im reallllllly stuck hahWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the first question, it's asking if the setting is purely physical(where it is, stuff like that), or if the setting is also "made up" of character's attitudes(like things characters feel strongly about that make up some part of the setting, if that makes any sense)!.

And the second question is asking if the setting is important enough where the stuff in the plot could only happen in that setting, or if you could put anything as the setting and still have the story work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com