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Question: Any story title ideas [for my story btw]!?
Im writing a story about me and my best friend [a friendship that lasted 14 years i'll have you know][i am actually 14 as it happens] and im really stuck for title ideas!. its mainly about all the good times we had together and then how it ended!. any good ideas anyone!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Choose a lyric from your favourite song together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's hard to think of a title if that's all the information about the story we've got, but I have some tips!. One, make sure that it's an eye-catching title!. Think about what you would immediately grab off the shelf if you saw it!. People aren't going to read something entitled, "My Friend and Me," or something similar to that (well, I wouldn't, maybe someone esle would)!. At the same time, it has to relate to the story!. If people open a book and it wasn't what they were looking for, they'll put it back and never finish it!. Or they will, but they won't be happy (depending on the person, really)!. It all depends on the type of audience you want to attract!. I, for one, like a title that makes sense and at the same time sounds like a good read!. Example; "The Dragon Princess" would attract me, because I like fantasy!. One of the realistic fictions I was attracted to was "The Report Card," also, because that seems to be the type of story you'll be writing!. In the end, it's up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think "How it ended" is a good title, but maybe thats because I'm bad with that kind of stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com