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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Don't you absolutely love twilight?

Question: Don't you absolutely love twilight!?
i do its like my life, my books i guard with everything and i never let anyone touch them, i have the calendar and all the posters i have pictures of Kristen rob and Ashley on my wall!. i love them so much!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah i love them too, i have them all basically memorized and I keep my books all perfect and stuff!. they are like all I ever think about!!!!!. I love all the characters and spend all my time on you tube looking up new trailers on the movies!. My mom thinks Im over obsessed but I love the books soooo much!. Me and my harry potter loving friends get in arguments all the time about harry potter being better than twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them too! I don't have the books, except for Breaking Dawn (ugh!.)!. I don't have ANYTHING related to Twilight other than that!. Sad isn't it!? I DO however, have things related to Rob and Kristen and stuff!.!.!.but that's pretty much it!. I consider myself obsessed with the Twilight series despite the fact that I have practically nothing related to it!. lol


Oh finally someone just like me!! My mom says I'm too obsessed! uh i love love LOVE Edward and yea same here in always keep them safe!. Just like edward said 'You are my life now' well its the same here, Twilight is my life now!.!.!.!.!.Wouldnt it be wonderful to be a vampire!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, they're so good!. Once i started the first i finished them all within a week and then started reading them again, haha!. I'm so excited for the movie too, but i hope it's not too different from the book! Www@QuestionHome@Com


OMG i LOVE it!. its so good and cant w8 until the movie comes out!! im so glad the release d8 changed 2 nov 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely hate twilight!.

hope that answers your question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

[takes a big breath as if for a long explanation] NOWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i have a special shelf on my bookshelf for them and i have the calenderWww@QuestionHome@Com