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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think that The Twilight Series will be bigger than Harry Potter Series?

Question: Do you think that The Twilight Series will be bigger than Harry Potter Series!?
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Nope!. Harry Potter appealed to a much, much broader audience--i!.e!. parents, teachers, elderly, kids, etc!. Twilight appeals to a more limited age bracket!. Not to put it down or anything, I like both series!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, never!. I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, I'm saying that because it's true!. I know many people who see Harry Potter as this huge phenomenon!. My dad was a true Beatles fan, and he never liked Harry Potter, but he's admitted that Harry Potter is definitely the Beatles of my generation, maybe even a bigger hit than the Beatles!. Harry Potter is so universal, I'm sure anyone can pick up the book and relate with a character, there's so many different types of characters, there's Draco and Snape, who seem bad on the outside, but turn out to be okay, there's Harry, who saves the world all the time, no, not many people can relate with that, but I'm sure a lot of people say "I wish I were like that," Hermione, a bookworm, Fleur, a beautiful girl who seems to have nothing filling her head, but alas, there is, and Ron, possibly the most complex character of the book, the best friend/sidekick, who never seems to get the full amount of attention he deserves!. Harry Potter is action/adventure, and Twilight is moreso romance!.

The Twilight series is huge compared to other book series, but I don't think it will ever truly be comparable to Harry Potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, twilight is a 'temporary fix' that appeals to teenage girls who love reading about romance (the series is dedicated to romance!) whereas Harry Potter appeals to everyone! And will for generations to come!.

also I would get really angry if twilight overtook harry potter in terms of popularity because harry potter is so much more complex- there are loads of characters and JK Rowling has been planning since book 1, whereas with twilight there are what like 3 crucial characters!.!. none of which with background stories or complex personalitiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh god i hope not!.

but seriously, it's very unlikely!. for one thing, while twilight appeals mostly to young women and girls (note the use of the word 'mostly'), harry potter is much more broad in its appeal, therefore more people would enjoy reading it!.

the writing, plot, characters, etc!. are all much better in harry potter than twilight, also, so i'd say that harry potter is more deserving of the fame than twilight!.


No!. Twilight appeals mainly to teenage girls, whereas Harry Potter has a more wide-ranging appeal!. I cannot see Twilight ever attaining the same degree of popularity, becuase few people apart from young girls are going to want to read long descriptions of the perfections of Edward Cullen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. It isnt even close!. The HP series appeals to different types of audience, but Twilight is mostly for young teenage girls!. And, HP has a bigger fandom than Twilight, way bigger!. One single HP book, sold more than the whole twilight series, and in 10 years do you see twilight being remembered!? I don't but I truly believe HP wont be forgotten and will become a classic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

even though i love the twilight series, and have only read the first Harry Potter book (and did not care for it), twilight will never be bigger than Harry Potter!. Like some others said, twilight appeals to mostly teenage girls while anyone could read Harry Potter and enjoy it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

as much as it hurts me to say it!.!.!.i dont its possible because of the crowd twilight has and hp has many different people reading it!.!.!. but from the stef mey interviews and things they ask!.!.!. it doesnt seem like she actually WANTS to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Breaking Dawn sold 1!.3 mil on it's first day, while HP7 sold 8!.3 mil!.
That is no where close!. I think it is a huge series, but Harry Potter is more international and known!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt it!.

The phenomenon that is Twilight would be completely dwarfed if there were an eight Harry Potter book coming out!. It seems like the HP kids just needed something to read and be obsessed with!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because the Twilight series isn't 7 books long, and Harry Potter held appeal for ALL audiences, not just teenage girls!.


NEVER!.!.!.thats impossible to happen!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They'll both die out!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


no ,not even closeWww@QuestionHome@Com