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Question: Twilight book ruined!?
I know that many people are disappointed with the turn out of Breaking Dawn, but put that out of your mind for a second!. Do you think the Twilight movie will ruin the original Twilight!? Based on the previews for the movie it looks like it's gonna ruin it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmmm!.!.!.I don't know!. Interesting question!.
They did change a lot of things, based on just the trailor!. I know that it was like that when the Harry Potter movies came out; a lot of people thought that the movies didn't portray the books at all, or not well!.
I think that whenever people decide to make books into movies or even the other way around, it always takes away some of the originality of the book or movie, because that isn't always how the author or screen writer intended it to be!. I read somewhere that Stephenie Meyer imagined the books as movies and always thought of them as movies!. Like how the characters moved and stuff!. I guess she could be right, but that's her opinion!.
I don't think it will ruin fan's theories and imaginations!. It will disappoint them because it won't be like they can just imagine what Edward's face is going to look like!. A few years from now, if they think of Edward Cullen, they will think of Robert Pattison, or Robert Pattison's face!. I know that a lot of people do that with Harry Potter!. Like if they think of Hermione Granger, they think of Emma Watson!. They are all good actors, of course, but sometimes books are just better left as books!.
Interesting!. !. !. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that for those people who haven't read Twilight, it won't ruin it for them, but they will want to read twilight and they will be amazed and love the book more!.
for those who have read the book, the will make themselves think that the movie doesn't exist if it is a bomb-out movie!.
hopefully the movie is almost as amazing as the book!. i think it will be because the director is a huge fan of the Twilight saga, and Stephanie Meyer has been supervising the Movie's making!. the movie is now in post production!.

that's what i think,

Twilight was ruined when Stephenie Meyer began writing it and decided to base Bella off herself!.
Self intrusion on a book is fun for a writer, bad for a published book!.

However, yes, the movie will more than likely ruin it!. Was Bella seriously listening to an iPod when she nearly died!? x!.x;;
It'll be a good laugh, if nothing else, much like the four books were!. -shrug-Www@QuestionHome@Com


you are absolutely like the VERY first person [besides my friends] ive seen that thinks the movie is gunna ruin the twilight series!.

im not a big fan of the twilight series, ive only read it once not including breaking dawn BUT i did think the series was pretty good so far but the movie just doesnt look good to me and my friends!. its just our opinion!. ive seen many other people that are saying the movie is gunna be great and looks awesome annd stuff, and im just thinking "no it doesnt look good to me"

but thats just my opinion!. im not going to finalize my opinion yet, because we have yet to see the movie!. once i see the movie is when i will make my decision of what i think of course!. i mean the movie could turn out great i guess!.!.!.but who knows!. lol sorry, thats just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm looking forward to it!. But it will be difficult for extreme fans, as it is not a direct adaption, but there are a good few changes to the surroundings -extra scenes, deleted scenes, changed scenes!. I'm looking forward to it as a companion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it either will be great or horrible!. My mom and I both read it and agreed that we think it will make a great movie!. I could see it playing out in my head!. I think it will be a little different from the book but i think it will be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's going to even compare to the book!.
The cast as Bella and Edward is just going to make it worse!.
I've already seen like three mess-ups just by seeing the previews!.

WHO CARES!. Everyone asks these same questions everyday so instead of clogging up the B&A section, try looking through the questions that have already been asked because I for one am tired of all these stupid questions being asked over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

who cares!. no one knows!. just wait and see the movie!. if you think it is going to be bad then don't see it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk!.!.!.!.it might, it might not!.!.!.

i don't think it will ruin the book for me because i like to see books the way other people see themWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just think that the expectations are so great for this movie that is it bound to be a disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that movues always (for the most part)ruin books but i think that the movie looks really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well its gonna add and take some things but it will probally still be goodWww@QuestionHome@Com