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Question: Writing sites!!!!!? :O!?
Why the hell do people get accounts on a writing aite, and then they don't write!!! Half the people on Chapteread!.com don't write!!!!

Do you have a Chapteread!.com, or other writing site account!?

What are some other writing sites that are good!?

THanx :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People are lazy!? I don't know why, people just move on to different things, I guess!. There's also fictionpress!.com and writerscafe!.com if you want a couple more sites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mibba is a good site
you can write poems and stories and stuff like that
i have one but i only write poems on it
i dont want to put my good stories online