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Question: My book isnt on SPARKNOTES!?!!?
I have to read a summer reading book called Once Upon a Town!.

its a really thick long book!.!.and school starts on septemper 4th, so i dont have much time!.

i also have to do a journal entry for 2 characters in the book!.!.2 pages typed!.

i want another site similar to sparknotes because im getting really scread right now, and my original plan was to just get all the information from there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This probably isn't the answer you want to hear!.!.!.but you probably should go ahead and read the book because you might not find a summary of it or information about the characters!.
Sometimes books aren't on Sparknotes and if you don't get started on it you won't get it finished in time!.
One of my friends had to learn that lesson!. She always just got the stuff from Sparknotes and then once it wasn't on there and she ended up failing the assignment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually, only literature is on Sparknotes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com