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Question: Would You Like To Finish My Story!?
I Cee You
I got this idea from Writing!.com and decided I’d do the same thing here all you have to do is create a short story from what I’ve already wrote!
Augustus Gloop, Charlie Bucket, Mike Teavee, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who are now teenagers and me Gwen go to the 9th Annual Leonard Bryant Carnival where we accidentally stay after closing time!. There we are hunted down and brutally murdered one by one by murderous beast Cee-Clops (See+Cyclops) the clown!. Make sure give it a twist ending!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll edit this when I finish it, thanks for the prompt!. I love to practice writing to keep my creative juices flowing!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

First bit of editing: it's incorrect to write 'from what I've already wrote!' The correct way to write that is 'from what I've already written!' My guess is that you haven't written anything here but a prompt, and I am not here to make up stories for others!. I am here to try to answer reasonable questions about books and authors!. Why are you putting this up here!? I don't get it!.
My 'twist'-ed ending is this!.!.!.
Cee-Clops get tangled up in a web of words thrown out by a real writer when she sees that all her friends are being murdered by an idea out of the Dark Knight!. Cee-Clops dies because even his name needs an explanation, providing more words for him to choke on!. The end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com