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Question: Is this coincidence or on purpose!?
Ok so I was on a popular message board about breaking dawn and some one brought up a startling coincidence about pedophilia and the twilight series!. For all those who have read "Lolita" you will be familiar with a character named CLARE QUILTY!. Sounds familiar!? *Quil imprinting on baby Clare* even down to the spelling of Clare *Clare is usually spelled Claire, so mull that over*
Any ways
For those not familiar with the story "Lolita" Clare Quilty is a man that blatantly follows a young teen girl just to bed her, gets married to her, and then gets her pregnant with the promise of making her a star!. He acts very bad towards her when she refuses to join his orgies and other despicable plans!. There is also hints that he might be a bi sexual!. When I read this and thought about it!.!.!.it made me ill!. For a more seasoned reader, please put two and two together!. For the novice readers pick up a copy of Lolita and read it for yourselves!. The parallel is freaky!. I mean really!?Its a big coincidence that Clare and Quil sounds like Clare Quilty!. Look it up!. If this is the case then SMEYER should be a ashamed and now her pedophilia is evident!. Wow! disgusting! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I admire your dedication towards attempting to draw a parallel to an infinitely superior book (Lolita the superior, that is), but your inquiry is likely a huge stretch!. Has the author read Lolita!? Probably!. Does she have the requisite imagination to make something more of it than a cheap name comparison with a vaguely similar end result!? No!. She writes rather poorly written yet immensely popular teen vampire romances!. They really are variations on the Goosebumps-style books from numerous years before, except with those the writing was sometimes rather inspired, not filled with bogged down cliches about a pretend 'goth' lifestyle that has always been a desperate plea for recognition!.

Read Lolita!. It is a wonderful book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha I think you had a lot of time to put that together!.!.!.

I don't usual "mull" over unimportant coincedeces or whatever it was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, great connection!. I hadn't realised that before and I agree that it was definitely done on purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm nooo, in the twilight series it is spelt "claIre!."
with the I!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com