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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are the descriptions of the characters in the Twilight Saga?

Question: What are the descriptions of the characters in the Twilight Saga!?
I'm going to draw the Cullen's, Bella, and Jacob!. I need to know how Stephenie described them in the book so I can draw them!. I know what they look like generally, but my friend is borrowing my book right now and I want to see their exact descriptions!. Thank you :] Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All the Cullens have pale skin, gold-ish eyes (black if they are 'thirtsy') and cold skin!.
and heres the rest :P
Edward: Bronze disarrayed hair, I belive hes 6'1 6'2!?
And Bellas all "hes so god-like"
Alice: Black spiky hair, petite, pixie-like
Jasper: Blonde hair, kinda like Edwards!?
Emmett: MUS-CU-LAR! tall, dark brown/black hair!.!. not long!.
Rosalie: Gorgeous, long blonde hair
Carlise: Combed back blonde hair (combed back, i think) movie star looks
Esme: Heart shaped face, soft wavy brown hair, nice smile
Bella: Maybe 5'4-5'6!? Round face (but not tubby :P) average weight, brown eyes, pale, not like vampire-pale though :P
Jacob: Dark/Tan skin, blak hair pulled into ponytail (at nape of neck)
warm-brown eyes
but in New Moon, he gets a hugee growth spurt and cuts his hair, then lets it grow back gradually


They honestly don't describe them that much in the book, Stephenie wanted each person to imagine them their own way!. Here's what they mostly described them like!.
Edward: Bronze, messy-style hair, topaz eyes, tall, pale, very cold skin, muscular chest
Bella: skinny, pale, medium sized, medium length straight dark hair, heart shaped face!.
Jacob: Tall, tanned, black hair in ponytail, warm brown eyes
Carlisle: Blonde hair, white teeth, pale, looks like a movie star
Esme: wavy brown hair, brown eyes
Emmett: VERY muscular, tall, brown hair
Rosalie: Long blonde hair, pale, gorgeous, blue eyes
Jasper: pale, brown/black hair
Alice: graceful, pixie like, short black hair around her face, paleWww@QuestionHome@Com

It should be Cullens!.

I have no idea what they look like!. I have not read Twilight!.

Let's see how people take this answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com