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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For people who've read Breaking Dawn (warning:*spoiler alert*)...?

Question: For people who've read Breaking Dawn (warning:*spoiler alert*)!.!.!.!?
Do you think Renesmee has as much difficulty with the smell of blood as vampires do, considering she drinks blood!? For example, do u think it would be hard for her to go to elementary school with other human children (or not quite as difficult as it would be for a vampire since she's 50% human)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think going to school will be an issue, but if she did she would be fine!. She knows the difference between right and wrong as exhibited by the Volturi allowing her to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she has that much difficulty withstanding blood, because she had already been through Charlie and Jacob, both of which have blood!. She didn't even bite them once, or go out of control!.

I don't think it'd be hard for her to go to school!. She's already smart as is, and like I mentioned above, she can stand the blood to extend her education!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She won't be able to go to school until she is fully grown in 5 years (she'd be 17ish) because she grows so fast!. Anyways, she learns so fast that she would pick up on everything before she even got to school, so that wouldn't be an issue!. Plus I don't think that the craving will be as strong because of her part human-nessWww@QuestionHome@Com

first off, nessie wont need schooling, really!. second off, if she doesnt hurt charlie, sue, or billy, then she wont hurt other humans!. nessie said this when the other covens were coming over as whitnesses!. so, human blood wont really phase her as much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think that it wouldn't be a problem ,though why would they send her to school when she is maturing i dont know, cause when she met charlie, she was able to control her thirst!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

she should be fine but she wouldn't go to elementary school because she matures to fastWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so because she was fine around charlie and sue and billy
i think she's just really well prepared like bellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

she couldnt go to school because she would grow too fast!Www@QuestionHome@Com