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Question: Best villain of any book/movie/tv series!?
Who and why, best argument wins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Argh - really hard choice!. My top three in no particular order are:

Gul Dukat from Star Trek Deep Space Nine:
I don't think of him as being completely evil through and through !.!.!. He can be charming!. He can be generous!. He can do the right thing!. All of that somehow makes his 'evil' actions all the more despicable, because we know that there was the potential in there for him to be a better person!. He's so versatile, you see the best of him, the worst of him!.

Steerpike from Gormenghast:
He's chilling and cunning and downright manipulative!. He manages to almost take over an entire kingdom, all through the powers of persuasion!. He would have gotten away with it completely if he had been quicker off the mark killing flay!.

Patrick Bateman from American Psycho (book not pile of sh1te movie):
He gets away with it all, he knows why he does it, because he is completely unhinged, but at the same time, he just wants to fit in!. The guy is a master!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the murderer in the movie Seven (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman) is the best villan!. He had a truly sick mind, saw his murders as completely justified, and was completely unafraid of repercussions!. He spent hours and hours writing in those spiral notebooks in his apartment, which was a disgusting place to live, and yet he was very knowledgeable in several areas and could even have been considered quite intelligent, judging by the way he spoke after they found him!. What he did to Brad Pitt's character at the end was the most evil thing I've ever seen in my life, and yet the character still saw it as fitting in to his plan and therefore completely brilliant!. It took me a long time to forgive Kevin Spacey after that, and it was only a character!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mrs!. Coulter from 'His Dark Materials'!! She is undoubtedly the best "villain" in children's literature anyway!.

Two (main) reasons why:

It's incredibly important not to depict a character as purely evil (as the majority of the "villains" offered here are) because life isn't black and white and "evil" is subjective!. Mrs!. Coulter, while being power-hungry, selfishly cruel, and insensitive, is genuinely a loving mother and ultimately sacrifices herself for her daughter!. Her character is so rich and layered and nuanced that our reception of her changes with every page!. She is totally unpredictable, and we feel she may turn upon and viciously murder Lyra at any moment!.

Mrs!. Coulter is unspeakably beautiful!. She exudes charm, glamour, and luxury, yet beneath this we detect something cold, powerful, dangerous and extremely unnerving!. This is yet another important portrayal: beauty does not correspond with goodness, and ugliness does not correspond with evil!. Too many villains, and a glance at the comments here speaks volumes, are ugly and repulsive while the central and "good" characters are healthily attractive!. Again, life is not like this, and it is misleading and dangerous to depict it as such!.

Mrs!. Coulter! Woop woop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mistique from the X-Men!.
She can transform into any person at any time and she even can change her DNA stucture to gain their powers or say if she needs DNA to get into a safe or a govnerment place, she can get in that way!.
If she goes against a superpowered apponent she can use their ability against them and even know their power's weakness at some point if they have one!.
Let's say if she transformed into Superman, even though they're from two different Comic places, she will have every power of superman but most likely NOT have his weakness since technically she's not superman, just a copy!.
Back to Marvel:
If she transformed into Jean for instance Im sure she will have most of her powers, perhaps not all, and be at quite an advantage!.

Mistique is just my favorite because her ability to change her DNA structure to become anything and anyone she wants at any time XD She, I think, is the ultimate villain, but loses so many times because of stupid plans >_>;Www@QuestionHome@Com

first prize goes to gollum from lord of the rings!. i just love this guy! you can find yourself pitying him because of all that he's gone through, (just like frodo) but then he does something awful (i!.e!. betraying frodo to be eaten by a giant spider) because the lure of the Ring is too strong and he has no will left!. He's just such a shaded character!.!.!.he's a great literary creation!. he's my PRECIOUS!!!

second prize goes to the joker from the dark knight!. he's just insane and hilarious in a sadistic sort of way!.!.!.and he's just so much fun to watch!. you're always guessing what kind of weird stunt he's going to pull next!. why so serious!?

third prize goes to darth vader!. he's just iconic!. every time i see empire strikes back, all i'm waiting for is the 'luke, i am your father!' scene!. and he has the awesome voice and the breathing!.!.!.but in the prequel you see that he really was a nice guy, and actually went bad with good intentions, and so he does have a redeeming quality, which makes him even cooler than he was as a dark lord who was just evil because he was!. the dark side conquers all!

actually, these are all so great, i like them all equally!. they all get golds!!!


For me its Ben Linus from the TV show Lost, He's basically a weak and frail man who's only power is to manipulate those around him, Its his intellect and ruthlessness that make him scary!. He will smile to your face and then shoot you in the back!. Its always scarier when its the ones you trust who turn out to be the enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best villain of any book/movie/tv series!? That's an easy pick for me!. Jack Nicholson, in the Shining, had to be the most demented I have ever seen!. I literally pulled my legs up under me and made sure all my doors were locked!. When he walked those halls with the axe and had that **** eating, grin on his face, I was terrified for his family!. Yes he can transform himself into one scary villain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Annie Wilkes from Misery by Stephen King!. I think she's a great villain, because of the extremes she goes to, just because of her obsession with Paul Sheldon's books!. You actually begin fear for Paul Sheldon, and hate her!. A true villain should always be hated and the reader should always be desperate for their demise!. Annie Wilkes is that character!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I just watched War with Jet Li in it!. He's like the hero slash villian so he's more anti hero!.

What did I love about him!? What did I love about him!? Oh my gosh, I was rooting for him even though I was supposed to be rooting for the good guy! He was the most awesome, greatest villian ever!! He killed ruthlessly!. Okay, what I hate is when they say "any last words" and take such a long time to kill the hero because, let's face it, reality doesn't work like that!. If someone wants to get rid of you they don't wait it out until you have a chance to escape!.

That is so friggin' stupid when they do that!. Jet Li didn't do that!. Nope!. Not at all!. He didn't really talk throughout the movie but he beat EVERYONE'S butt even the good guy!. He was the silent killer!. The quick and clean killer!. He was the best villian EVER!! If I were to ever write a book with a villian that great, I sure hope my readers enjoy it the way I enjoyed the movie!.

He just went in there with a clean cut suit and three seconds later he came out and behind him were a bunch of bodies!. No screaming!. No stupid "any last words" and definitely no struggles!. And not a drop of blood on his suit!. It was AWESOME!!

It sounds completely evil, but we're talking about villians here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bill Sykes from 'Oliver Twist' by Charles Dickens!.Whether played by Andy (Gollum) Serkis, or the late, wonderful Oliver Reed, the man is pure, brutish evil, with not one redeeming feature!.Fagin is a 'loveable rogue' but Sykes is merciless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Joker from Batman, and not because of the Dark Knight movie!. Who /doesn't/ know who the Joker is!? He's immortal!. He keeps and keeps, and even though he never wins, he never really loses either!. Doesn't really seem like his dignity ever takes any damage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alexander Delarge the ultra-violent youth of A Clockwork Orange because he is an excellent example of both the protagonist as well as the antagonist !.

Dr!. Hannibal Lecter was intelligent, original, complex, dignified, and a all out gentleman!. What can I say, I'm big on manners!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The husband in Sleeping with the Enemy is a pretty good villain, can't remember his name, but he's played by Patrick Bergin in the film, with Julia Roberts as his wife!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That guy , Max Cady played by Robert De Niro in Cape Fear!. Very creepy and scary!. You would not want to bump into him on a dark night!Www@QuestionHome@Com

my top 5

The Joker
Hannibal Lecter
Dennis Hopper in Speed
Gary Oldman in Leon
Dr Evil (Austin Powers) lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lord Voldemort in the books by JK Rowling, and played by Ralf Fiennes in the movies!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Darth Vader from Star Wars!. His size, fighting skills, and deep voice were enough for a standard villain!. But not be able to see his face because of the mask made him mysterious and even more terrifyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Used to say "Darth Vader" but, "The Joker" in "The Dark Knight" was brillant so, I'll say that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Walking Dude/The Dark Man/Randall Flag from Stephen King's The Stand!. He was so evil! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lewis from The Signal, because he does not even "relize whats happing to him"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Moriarty or if animation Ratigan!.Sheer character!.

The Boogeyman from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hannibal Lecter!.!.!. the most vivid and terrifying character in film, Www@QuestionHome@Com

Catwoman as played by Julie NewmarWww@QuestionHome@Com

Team Rocket!.
Never defeated and clearly loveable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Norton in Primal Fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cruella DeVille, need I say more!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Voldemort!.!.!.!.!.!.if you have read the series I don't need to give an explanation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr!. Hannibal Lecter!.!.!.from the books, not the movie!.