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Question: Highly recommended teenage books for girls!?
I've read twilight, loved them, but I'm looking for something else to read!.

like a romance, mystery, adventure type thing!.

no more vampire books thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Clique, A-List, Gossip Girl,The It Girl, Students Acrossed the Seven Seas (SASS) Snowed In, Touist Trap and book that they recomend in the backs of them, Mermaid Park, The Nannies, Prety Little Liars Serise (all time favorit), Cindy Ella, Ashes Of Roses, Avolan High, Teen Idol, Dairy Queen!. Off Season, Criss Cross, Drama! THe Four Dorothys, Stargirl, Love Stargirl, Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie, Notes From The Midnight Driver, TTYL, Secrits Of My Hollywood Life, and much more!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"As Simple As Snow" was a really good book!. It was actually kind of hard to put down, and I'm really not that big of a reader!.

also, I'm not sure if these books are your usual thing, but "Go Ask Alice" and "It Happened To Nancy" are both extraordinary good, true stories!. Go Ask Alice is about a teenage girl who gets involved with drugs and other things she shouldn't have, and she documents what she does her diary, which was later published as the title today!. It Happened To Nancy is also a diary, and this girl also writes in her diary about her daily life and complications as she fights her battle with HIV/Aids as a teenager in the real world!.

The "Glory" series by Jodi Lynn are also pretty good!.

Google them if you want :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

For adventure, there's the Uglies series, the Bartimaeus trilogy (though the female lead doesn't turn up until the second book), anything by Sarah Dessen, Inkheart/Inkspell (though it might be a little young for you), The Thief Lord, and a Mango Shaped Space (which is incredibly, worshipably good)!. There's also Tamora Pierce, though I don't like her!. A lot of people do, though!. There's a lot that I know, but I don't remember them at the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg!. I read the most interesting book!. It is called Teach Me!. It is a bit sexual bit very interesting!. Its that kind of book that you wont put down until you finish reading it!. Its about a high school girl who gets a new teacher!. With each day, she falls in love with him!. So finally, one day they get together as a couple!.!. but mysteriously he breaks up with her!. (Don't worry, I didn't tell you the whole story!. Only the beginning)!. It is just very interesting!. I recommend it for you!. I gave the book a perfect 10!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well The Host is by Stephanie Meyer!. It's under Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy but I guess I wouldn't couunt it as that unless you would count Twilight as that!. I think it rates up with the Twilight Saga and some other people might even think it's better!. I think it's more emotional and all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The HeartBreakers - Pamela Wells
It's really interesting!. it's basically about 3/4 of the best friends was breaking up with their boyfriends at the same time, meanwhile one of them never had a serious boyfriend!. A lot of my friends really liked this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As for romance!.!.!.!. I'd say The Au Pairs series by Melissa de la Cruz!. It's an easy read but it is sooo addicting!.

wanna help me back!? http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The luxe
Gossip Girl Series
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Rebel Angels
Nick and Norahs Infinite playlist
All books by Philippa Gregory

All I can think of at the moment =) Good luck

Try the Blue is for Nightmares Series by Laurie Faria StolarzWww@QuestionHome@Com