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Question: I need your help on writing!?
So i want some ideas one what to right for like anything poems short stories stuff like that so give me ideas please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take one of the scariest dreams you've ever had and write about that!. Turn your dream into a sci-fi story!. You've already got the root of the story in your mind!. You just need to expand on it!. Along the same lines; take one of your best dreams and write about that!. Your mind is filled with fabulous stories!. You just gotta poke your brain a little to loosen them up!. Try poking a teriyaki stick up your nose!. That might get the brain going (It usually works for me)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask your grandparents to tell you about their childhood and write about that!.

Your best friend goes away for the summer and comes back really, really fat!.

That cute guy in class has a secret!.

That teacher everyone hates might be a witch for real!.

Your parents both lose their jobs and tell you they have to sell the house!. Your life will totally change!. Write the story of what happens for the next year!.


On my 38th birthday a good friend of mine gave me a birthday present!. It was a journal and a pen and a little notecard she attached that said, "write about what ya know!" So far it's been the best advice I've ever gotten!. What's something you know about or is near and dear to YOU!? Start there and your imagination will run with it!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just look around you!. Write about the things that affect you!. Family, friends, nature, global events (Olympics, Russian invasion), your hopes, and fears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about someone who's trying to figure out who they really are!?

or try using a personal experience!.

it comes to you when you don't expect it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one time i wrote a poem about mcdonalds!
all i do is rhyming poems !. i don't like the other kind!. i think its really easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dead fantasy 1&2!.!.!. its so coolWww@QuestionHome@Com