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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is your opinion about the scifi genre? Is YA scifi saving the genre?

Question: What is your opinion about the scifi genre!? Is YA scifi saving the genre!?
Hello my fellow bookworms!.
I just read this amazing article about the scifi genre, and would like to know your input!. It's quite a lively debate, so give me some opinions!
Here's the article: http://io9!.com/5036820/young-adult-books!.!.!. I really enjoyed it, especially the comments!.
Personally, I haven't seen much enjoyable adult scifi, it all seems to be cliches!. My opinion is almost unanimous with the comment by Kia!. What's your input!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree there isn't that much that is really good, but I will swear by these:

"The Tomorrow File" by Lawrence Sanders
"The Gentle Giants of Ganymede" by James Hogan
"The Planet Strappers" by Raymond Z!. Gallun
"The Stone God Awakens" by Philip Jose Farmer
"Thrice Upon a Time" by James Hogan
"Cat's Cradle" et al by Kurt Vonnegut Jr

Not sure about the rest of your question, sorry!.

YA Sci-Fi does seem to be taking over the genre!. It's sad that the science fiction genre is best known for it young adult titles!.

There are so many good science fiction novels out there that young adult readers will never experience because of the the current trend in Sci-fi!. Don't get me wrong, they're good novels!.!.!.but they're not the classics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.interesting!. YA science fiction is certainly drawing in new readers to the genre too!.!.!.I think scifi had gotten a little stale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com