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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is ASHLEY a good name for a lesbian character?

Question: Is ASHLEY a good name for a lesbian character!?
I'm thinking to introduce a lesbian character in a story I'm writing!. Is Ashley a GOOD NAME for a lesbian!? HELP ME also to describe her physically, please!!
Thank you very much!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ha ha ha ha, I know a lesbo named ashley!. Butch is a good name tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Last time I checked parents didn't name their children on the basis of if they were going to grow up gay!. Unless the character changes their name to sound more 'lesbian' I don't think the name matters!. More important, in my opinion, is context!. For example; Period in time, Nationality and culture relevant to your book!.

also to describe her physically you define her as a certain type of lesbian, butch, lipstick, trans!.!.!. Know what 'type' of lesbian she is and read up on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!! A lesbian would never be named Ashley!!

Kidding!. Of course it doesn't matter what you name a gay character, since their naming process as a child would be exactly the same as a straight character!. As for looks, use your imagination, or find a celebrity you think matches the way you imagine her and use them as inspiration!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I don't know!.!.!.,

I also don't know about this spelling, I do know about 'Ashlee', because recently I wrote a blogpost about 'Ashlee Simpson' on my Music Blogspot, I don't think that she is a lesbian!.

You can find a 'Back Stage Story' at: http://hpshappymusic!.blogspot!.com/2008/0!.!.!.

all the Best,


How about Rosie after Rosie O' Donnell!? XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

what about karla!?


i think amy is=]Www@QuestionHome@Com