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Question: Why are Twilight fans happy!?
That Twilight is being release in November 21st due to Harry Potter 6 being pushed back to July 09!?
The twilight hype will die down right after the film is release then EVERYPNE will focus on Harry Potter and people will completely forget about Twilight!. That's a good thing for HARRY POTTER fans not twilight fans!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're just happy to see their movie early!. I seriously doubt any of them are looking into the future, if you ask me!. They're hyped and insane, and anyone else is a lunatic, in their opinion!.

I'm not happy at all that they're making a movie of Twilight!. I thought HP being made into a movie was the best thing ever, but they never did justice to the books, and they were a shortcut for people to know the story!. It's not a competition between HP and Twilight!. It's between the Twilight book and the movie!. If you tell anyone that Twilight is really good, they'll go watch the movie, and the Twilight franchise will be remembered by the movies and not the books!. Like LotR!. Like HP!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong!. Has the hype on the other HP movies died down!? What about Breakfast at Tiffany's, there is STILL hype about that!. Basically, movies aren't forgotten!. But I think us twilight fans are probably just impatient, you should have seen the countdowns for Breaking Dawn, seriously!. also, good on you for being patient and so optimistic, they're good qualities to have!.


people just dont get how amazingly popular and perfect and amazing twilight is do they!?! the movie is going to be amazing, stephenie meyer already saw it and said that she loved it! =D!!!
So ya, i guess that after twilight people will focus on harry potter, but NO ONE will forget about twilight! (well not no one, but the twilight fans wont forget :P)!!! and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy about the new date =D! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think twilight fans really care about which movie is bigger or which movie people are more focused on!. they are just excited that they get to see the movie 3 weeks earlierWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think that the true fans will lose their hype!. And if New Moon becomes a movie afterword or another book comes out people will be excited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a fan of both so i will be as equal excited !!!:PWww@QuestionHome@Com

nope twilight will never die down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep ur right but HP isn't being released july 9 2009 its july 17th 2009! :'(Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Don't mind =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

who knows

it must be 1 hell of a good booksWww@QuestionHome@Com


Not gonna happen!. Twilight is so awesome! It should go down in history as the best book ever written! Stephanie Meyer is such a talented writer!Www@QuestionHome@Com