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Question: Is Voldemort Considered A Terrorist!?
This might be the stupidest question ever but still, ive always wondered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

OMG! You have no idea how much I laughed when I saw this question!!!

Great Question!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would say he is because he causes terror!.

~ Causes terror
~ Destroys things
~ He's a Murdra ( Stan Shunpike accent (POA Movie!!! Knight Bus ~~~Scene! )
~ Liar
~ Thief
~ Kills things in his pathWww@QuestionHome@Com

He would have been considered a terrorist by the muggles aware of the existence of magic using peoples!. But if you can't officially admit the existence of magic, then its hard to declare someone a terrorist!.
And before his takeover of the Ministry of Magic, he certainly would have been considered a terrorist!. Attacks on innocents, as well as targetting foes, he fits the criteria!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, since a terrorist tries to strike terror in a target group in order to get the upper hand!. Voldie doesn't attack muggles/muggleborns to get a psychological upper hand against them; he attacks them to kill them!.

But this does remind me of a theory that I had before the last couple of books came out!. What Voldie is doing mirrors the Pyramid of Hate rather well (the Pyramid of Hate being the steps society/government takes before starting genocide), and the books proceed up to the sixth (out of seven) step, which is fairly terrifying!. The last step left was the actual mass killing!.

And, no, I don't think that's a stupid question!. Harry Potter has so much stuff like that, that can be discussed!. That's why it's an awesome series!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he is, but wizards don't use that term!. Definitely, he created a war, he steals, he kills, he fills a terrorists shoes!.
This is my favorite Harry Potter question!. :D Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps, depends on the persons view of him/ personal opinion!.
In a way, I suppose you could consider Voldemort, a terrorist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never really thought about it that way but I think that it is more like treason than terrorism because he is going against his own kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, he creates terror by mass killing

that would be the definition of terroristWww@QuestionHome@Com

Osama Bin Laden
wiz style
yeah I'd say so
He kills
destroys bridges
attacks hogwarts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's on "England's Most Wanted"!. Www@QuestionHome@Com