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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In harry potter 7 why does dumbledore say in the pensieve that harry had to be k

Question: In harry potter 7 why does dumbledore say in the pensieve that harry had to be killed by voldmeort!?
i didnt really get that part in the book and ide appreciate somebody to tell me what he meant when he said thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's what I think!.

Voldemort had to be the one killing Harry because he was Harry's bind to life, I mean, Voldemort had Harry's blood (Lily's sacrifice alive in him) which means Voldemort was some kind of "horcrux" for Harry so it was like pushing Harry to death and holding him alive at the same time!.

My thought is because of JK's explanation why Harry survived at the very end (she explained in Court and you can see it in The Leaky Cauldron web site) Www@QuestionHome@Com

when voldemort tried to kill harry when he was a baby he left a piece of himself in harry!. that's why harry could speak parseltongue and they had a connection between their minds!. voldemort had to destroy that piece of harry or else he himself couldnt die!. the book isnt really clear why it has to be voldemort who does it!. or maybe i didnt notice that part!. but maybe if someone else did it harry himself would die!. or dumbledore knew that it would put the same spell on everyone harry was saving by dying that his mom put on him as a baby!. did that even make any sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry had to let himself be killed by voldemeort before he could kill him himself, because unknown to either of them, a piece of voldemort's soul had attached to harry in tht first attack when harry was a baby!. So the unintended horucux had to be destroyed bofore voldemort could dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

It confused me too the first time i read it!. harry had to be killed by voldemort because when voldy killed harry's parents he accidently made harry his 7th hucrux!. so inorder for voldemort to be killed harry must die so all the hucruxes are gone, which will make voldy mortal!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Voldemort tried to kill Harry, a part of his soul went inside Harry's body!. He had to be killed to get the horcrux out, but it wouldn't kill him just the part of Voldemort's soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dumbledore knew Harry had to be killed because Harry had a Horcrux inside of him!. Voldemort had accidentally left a piece of himself in Harry!. If Harry didn't "die" then Voldemort would never truly be defeated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com