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Question: About the book, 'the notebook'!?
Hello! Im a junior high school student in Japan!.For my summer homework, I need to write a book report so I chose 'the notebook' for it!. But Im stuck on 1 question!. People who have read 'the notebook', what did you think the author wanted to tell us!?!?
Than you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the author of "The Notebook" wanted us to know that love knows no limits!. Love is there to fill in the gaps!. That love is the most important thing there is!. Things of that nature!.

For the whole fills in the gaps one, Allie wrote the notebook for Noah to read to her when she forgot, and it would bring her back to him!.

Love knows no limits!. Even though ALlie had memory problems, they were still able to have their relationship thanks to their love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that the author was tryin to say that true love never is lost, that you can always find your way back!. It was the notebook that always brought Allie back to Noah when she would forget their life!. Its true love!. The book represents the Love that Allie had for Noah , for she wrote it and inside the cover said that the book was meant to always bring her back to him!. It also represents unconditional love from Noah because he read the book countless times for Allie just to bring her back and knowing that her "return" would be fleeting!. I love this story, you have made a great choice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just want to say the Notebook was one of my favourite movies to watch and to read!. The author wanted to tell us that, you may love someone with all your heart and do anything for them!.
True love never dies!. The author wanted us to get the message that no matter how strong love is, you would do anything to stay by there side and comfort them thorugh thick or thin!

Loved the Book

Hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it showed that it is possible for two people to be bound in a way!.
No matter how they were apart, or fought, they still found a way to each other!.

I think he's saying that "true love" is still possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love goes on no matter what!. It bridges gaps, you never lose it!. You never lose that connection!. Especailly with your first true love!. Love can conqure all!. That's pretty much it!. Hope that helps!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your first love never dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com