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Question: James herriot books (audio boks and or e text)!?
James herriot audio books!? do we have a list of all his books and where can i downloads some of them in audio book or e-text!?

thanks Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Check the official site http://www!.jamesherriot!.org/works!.php for James Herriot!. It has a list of his books plus other information!.

You can't get any of his works for free, since they are still in copyright!. It's illegal!.

However, you can purchase audio editions through a place like Amazon!. Check http://www!.amazon!.com/James-Herriot-Coll!.!.!.

If you can't afford to buy them, I'd recommend that you check your local library!. They may have audio editions of the books which you can borrow!. Some libraries today have electronic books available to borrow online with your library card, too!. If your library has this service available, they may have e-books of James Herriot's various books!.

I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com