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Question: The Grapes of Wrath!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
I have to read the book for school next year (going in to junior year), and I think it's really good!.!.!. I feel like it's really pro-communism though!.!.!.

If you've read it, what are your thoughts on the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh my god, that is the greatest book ever written!. I think that John Steinbeck is the greatest author ever!. His descriptions of the landscape almost turn me on-he can use the simplest thing to make a huge difference, and really make you think about and notice things about the world around you you'd never think about otherwise!. His characters are very likeable, real, and easy to relate to!. The story is incredibly sad, but is filled with elements of pretty great humor!. Overall, this is my favorite book ever, and I really hope you enjoy it!. It is somewhat pro-communism, though, if you really think about it!. It was kind of weird when Rose Of Sharon breast fed an old guy tho :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Grapes of Wrath is a classic, and also one that I have never read, but it is on mu list to read this winter!. However, there are numerous free on line resources that can help you with your study of this novel, most of which analyze the story, discuss themes and symbolism and other literary devices, and give character sketches!. If you do a search you will find many helpful resources!. Additionally hundreds of questions have been asked here on Y!A about The Grapes of Wrath so do a search for it in the Yahoo Answers search window and you will find lots of Q’s and A’s that should help you!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't like it that much!. I've always found Steinbeck to be overly wordy and slow moving!. It promotes transcendentalism (that we are all God)!. And goes against organized religion!.
I didn't notice the communism thing but I wouldn't be surprised!.
And I thought it was really sick when Rose of Sharon breast fed that old guy (though its supposed to show go against the theme of man's inhumanity to man)!.

Good for you, though, that you like it!. It's miserable to study when you don'tWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoyed the turtle!. I think one of the most touching part of the book is when the girl had to breast feed an old man she didn't know!. That had so much meaning!. I always wondered how many women would be willing to do THAT to save a life of an old man they didn't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was kinda long for my tastes about such a boring subject!. I didn't read much of it and the ending kinda weirded me out!. but that happens with most highschool literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read it in high school and i'm 36 now and its the only book i've ever saved!. beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

south park made an episode making fun of that book

and i've only watched the movie


its long!.!.!.!. yet boringWww@QuestionHome@Com