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Question: Symbolism in To Kill A Mockingbird!.!.!?
So I'm doing a report for Pre-AP english, and i need to find a quote that describes or has symbolism in chapters 16-20!. I know the whole trial is significant, but I need something symbolic!.!.!.then i write a response to the quote!.!.I could really use some help here!. :/
Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i did an essay on this too that included quotes, but i wont have access to it or my book until morning if you want i can send you some good ones then!.!.!.
but the most powerful part about the trial is the reading of the verdict and everyones reaction!. and also they way mayella & mr!.ewelle get defensive!.
when atticus says that some who was left handed hit mayella, mr!.ewelle being left handed and tom robinson having a gimp hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com