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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know of any other great romance with suspense books like the Twiligh

Question: Does anyone know of any other great romance with suspense books like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer!?
I just got done reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer all 4 books! I loved the romance between Edward and Bella and also the intrigue and suspense! I also love the Private series by Kate Brian (which is like a gossip girl with mystery)!

I have read all the Gossip Girls, A-Lists, Cliques, Shopaholics, Sarah Mlynowski books HArry's Potters etc!. (last year i was home schooled and had a lot of time to read) lol

Im trying to find another awesome series or single book! I like when the guy saves the girl like in Twilight!.

Please help want to read something awesome!

Thanks in advance!

Jenny :D


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray are great books!.
1st book- A Great and Terrible Beauty
2nd book- Rebel Angels
3rd book- The Sweet Far Thing
These books have a variety of different themes intertwined-fantasy,romance, and action!.
Here's Libba Bray's website that will tell you about the books:

Or!.!.!.the Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen!. http://theluxebooks!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want "suspense like in Twilight," might I suggest something like The Odyssey or Romeo and Juliet - books where the ending is told to you right in the beginning of the book!?

If you want great romances in general, try:
A Countess Below Stairs
A Walk To Remember
Gemma Doyle trilogy
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series

If you want vampire/supernatural romances, try:
Vampire Academy & series
Vampire Diaries series
Vampire Kisses series
Blood and Chocolate

Or, for more specific references, you can always try: http://www!.whatshouldireadnext!.com/searc!.!.!.
I'm probably on there more often than I'm on B&A!. It's extremely helpful!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peeps by: Scott Westerfeld
Uglies Series by: Scott Westerfeld
It Girls Series by: Cecily von Ziegesar
Nannies Novels by: Melody Mayer
The Celebutantes by: Antonio Pagliarulo
Pretty Little Liars Series by: Sara Shepard

- are just a few of my favorites!Www@QuestionHome@Com

try a great and terrible beauty by libba bray,
also vampire kisses by ellen schreiber!.(kind o f like twilight)

You will absolutely ADORE
A great and terrible beauty by libba bray!.
It is the first of a three or four book series!.
i couldn't put it down!! i'm reading the second book now!.!.!.:)
<3 <3 <3 Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you like vampires, check out L!.J!. Smith's Vampire Diaries in the teen section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummm, another good vamp series is: Marked by P!.C!. and Kristin Cast!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm assuming those are Young Adult books!? Well, I know 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' are, but the rest, I mean!. I can't say that I know of too many romance type teen fiction, although Melissa Marr's 'Wicked Lovely' was really and had a bit of twists and turns in the romance department, along with some mild suspense!.

If you're interested in Adult Fiction, Laurell K!. Hamilton's Meredith Gentry and Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books are awesome!. They are both written in first person (like 'Twilight') and there is a whole mess of romance (definitely rated R, so be warned!)!. However, in thinking about it, the Anita Blake books tend to have more of a suspense factor than the Merry Gentry books!. While Anita Blake is out battling vampires, demons, zombies, and so forth, she's caught in a web of love with more than just one lucky beau!.

I hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com