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Question: What did Harry do with the Elder wand!?
What does Harry mean when he tells Dumbledore - "I'm putting the Elder wand back where it came from" !?
But then he aquired it from Malfoy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
he put it back in the grave he doesnt give it to draco but he puts it back in the grave cuz he wants his own wand back soo nice of himWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well Dumbledore had the Wand!. Then Malfoy killed Dumbledore (by forcing Snape to do it!.) Voldemort assumes that Dumbledore was killed on his orders, but really, Dumbledore planned it, making Malfoy the rightful owner of the Wand!. When Harry overpowers Malfoy at Malfoy Manor, it makes Harry the rightful owner, though he doesn't know it!. Malfoy didn't have the wand on his person (because it's in Dumbledore's tomb), but Harry still defeated him, so Harry is the winner of the Wand!.
After Voldemort tries to use the Wand against Harry (after stealing it from the White Tomb), it won't work against the rightful possessor!.
Once Voldemort is dead, Harry put it back with Dumbledore in his grave, and then when/if Harry dies a natural death, the Wand's power will be canceled!.
Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He put it back in Dumbledore's tomb!. He didn't give it back to Draco, since Draco was not, yes he wasn't the true master!. It was Harry, he -Harry- was the master of the wand, that's why he didn't die, Harry has the choice to put the wand wherever he wants, it belonged to him, he can put it wherever he wants!. Therefore Harry put his wand, where it belonged, with Dumbledore, so its power can die too, in peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he put it back in dumbledores tomb!. he said it belongs with dumbledore and something about the wand losing power if harry died a natural death and he didn't want that to happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was entombed with Dumbledore!. Having won it from Malfoy only he would be able to summon it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

he put it in dumbledores gravee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gave it to an evil monkey named suzyWww@QuestionHome@Com