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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone read this horriable book Woodlawn Springs Midnight Angel, by Author G

Question: Has anyone read this horriable book Woodlawn Springs Midnight Angel, by Author Gary Schultz!?
horrible, little thing, a former police officer decides to try his hand at writing, and what a poor job he does, he makes the abductor as interesting as a night in a cornfield, which is where the author is from!.
The crazy kidnapped 2 girls and actually makes the comment "Now I have you in my evil clutches!!!!!" What the heck is that!? And he kidnaps them not to torment them or anything, but to just drive around for 2 hours!.!.!.!.maybe the torment is he makes them listen to horrible music or something, ugh stay away from this it's poop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually if you go to


Is says it was submitted By Gary L Schultz!. You can see it there yourself, and I would think with you being related and all you'd be aware of that, as far as legal action, I believe strongly in the first amendment, which is:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances!.

Reviews are written all the time, it's just a person's opinion, and people are entitled to it, many people have seen the Dark Night movie, some like it, some don't, but, giving and opinion on it doesn't make it against the law!.

That is what makes this Country so great!. I personally have read the book, and think it should have been targeted for 5-7 year old, and parents should teach their children about the Internet without someone trying to tell a story, which by the way had No plot, no scare, and no lesson at all, the lesson here people is don't buy this don't let your children on the net or they may be forced to stay in a car with a stranger for 2 hours!.!.!.!.in this day and age, and with the writer being an ex-police officer, you would think he'd be more truthful, if that is the only thing my children have to watch out for, is being kept in a car, that isn't to much of a scare!.!.!.!.!.

With all the real threats, and harm that could come to a child, a 2 hour car ride, just doesn't seem to cut it for me!.

I think its a great book! It has to deal with trying to teach young adults the horrors of talking to people they do not know on the internet!. First and foremost the person who asked this question doesn't know too much, the book does not have people driving around for 2 hours and it's a good book for young adults, gore and horror not a good thing to put in a book for young adults!!! The person who wrote the yahoo question forgets that this book is for young adults and adult content in a book for young adults is not good, therefore no gore or horror was put in the book, basically it gives young adults the idea of what can happen when they get involved with someone on the internet that they do not know!. You should read the book then make a comment, its a pretty good book for a first time book from this Author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope, i try not to read horrible books!. was this ex cop turned author you high school rival!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Step Father wrote this book!. It's a good book for young people!. The book was written for his Grandchildren!. The book is for ages 12-16 so it was written in a way that it was not filled with killing and dealing with bloody situations!. There is enough violence and killing going on in the world and we're trying to keep it away from young people, not promote it and that is why there is no killing or bloody situations in this book that was written for young people!. The book deals with two girls being involved on the internet with someone who is not who they say they are and the two young girls end up in trouble!. My Step-Father's Sister called this morning and told us about this yahoo question!. I have read the book to my Nephew twice and there is nothing wrote in this book about anyone driving around for two hours, in fact the kidnapper held the girls captive in the basement of the school, not in a vehicle!. The kidnapper says more than was written in the yahoo question!.
Buy the book for yourself, read it in entirety keeping in mind it's for pre-teens and then make a decision!. also I might add that nowhere in the book is my Step-Fathers first name mentioned only his initials of G!.L!. therefore I believe it was not proper on the question asker's part to reveal the Authors name in entirety!.
I will however mention that the Author himself has been informed by his Personal Publisher and his Attorney not to make any comments! There is more to this than just a bad review, it goes much deeper, but I am not going to go into that on here!.!.Thank you!. M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com