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Question: Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn!?
Did u like the book or not why!? wat could have changedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe if she spent more time during editing, I think she would realize how the flow of the text wasn't very even - and maybe catch some of the plot points that were a little boring to read!. Really, I wasn't pleased with it, but I didn't expect much since I've been reading other books (but I'm glad that I have so many chances to get extra y! answers points)!. She totally strays away from the messages she wanted to deliver in the first few books and goes off into random tangents that make little connections to a young adult's life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed the first part, about Bella and Edward's honeymoon, and Bella's pregnancy!. However, I wasn't very keen on Jaco impressing Renesmee, I would have prefered him to impress someone of his own age, I find all this impressing babies thing frankly a bit weird!.

And once Bella became a vampire I did not find her nearly so interesting as a character, she lost all her endearing characteristics like her clumsiness etc, I just couldn't feel the same interest in her!.

And the end of the book was a big let-down, I thought there was going to be a big battle, and nothing really happened!. A real disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was a great book because it gave a somewhat pleasing ending for the series!. but i thought that the ending of the book was a little typical for Ms!. Meyer!. i suppose typical is good sometimes but i'm getting a little tired of her endings!. overall it was a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was kind of annoying and boring at first but getting closer to the end it got kind of interesting!. It was as horrible as people are saying it was though!. It can't meet everybody expectations!. I wish she would have never done the renesemee thing!. I wanted it to be about her falling in love with Jacob or something more interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was horrible!. no real plot, anticlimactic, BellaSue becomes SUPER!BellaSue with no consequences and ugh, Nessie!. I could go on and on!.!.!. basically the whole theme of sacrifice for love was lost of Smeyer because Bella got everything she wanted in a nice, tied up bow despite what we've been told over the course of the previous three books!.

Boring, predictable and disappointing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had high expectations, and I wasn't impressed with how it turned out!. It was too neat and tidy for my liking!. A lot of things in there came to absolutely nothing and I was disappointed!.

Oh, there's a lot I would have changed! And did!

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!.

i loved it!. stephanie meyer has no experience with writing she just had a dream, woke up, and wrote about it every day for a few months in the morning when she was getting her kids ready 4 school!. i think she was mormon 2 but idk!. it was nice that bella got what she wanted after all that!. 4 once we had a happy ending!. and it gives us hope: u don't have 2 go 2 a writing college to write several bestselling books! and the cover art was great!. ;) Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it!. it was ok!.

i wouldve like Jacob imprinting on Leah!. since they were both so lonely and went through similar things!. he imprinting on reneesme was just!.!.weird!. i wouldve a fight!!!!. and kill ROSALIE! - sorry im not a big fan of her!.

but it was ok not the best of the series!. but it was ok!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it, but it was boring at some times!.
i wish that jake didnt imprint on renesmee!. he would have been so much better off with leah!.
and i thought that the volturis involvment should have been a bit more intense!. it was all talk, and dragged on and on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it!. maybe Aro could have killed Amun!.!.!.i hated him, but even though that didn't happen, i still loved it!. my favorite book of the series!.!.actually its tied with EclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com

1 word 4 you, LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. But it is pretty sexual in the begining, she gets pregn!.!.!.!.!.!. OH NO SRRY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actually really liked it <3 :]
except rosalie was pretty annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com