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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why does everyone keep talking about Stephanie Meyer? She and Grisham are not ev

Question: Why does everyone keep talking about Stephanie Meyer!? She and Grisham are not even considered authors by most!?
Girsham, Patterson, Meyer, Steele, and the other woman that sells scrips to Life Time!.!.Nora Roberts!.!.!.!.are honestly----and I say this unbiasly----are not even considered writers by most people!. Why do people read their books when it's nothing but repeated plots and storylines!? I didn't even know who Stephanie Meyer was until two days ago---being I just visited the books section of Yahoo Answers two days!.!.!.----but am flabbergasted with the lack of substance these posts have in terms of actual literature!. Grisham couldn't write a book if he was given the plot and Patterson is his twin!. Someone warn me when Twilight or Red Dawn (never read them but now know who wrote 'em) is going to be up for a Pulitzer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I totally agree!. With all the Twilight hype on Y!A, I picked up one of Meyer's books at the library today and read the first page!. Honestly, I couldn't get past the first couple sentences: "I was wearing my favorite white eyelet blouse!.!.!." Vomit!. I try to tell myself that it's good that kids are at least reading and that maybe they will explore better literature!.!.!. but I really don't know!.
It really is just a question of reading for entertainment vs!. appreciating literature as an expression of art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i, personally, do like Stephenie Meyer!. not only does she write the twilight series but has another book called The Host!.

i dont know the others but it all depends on the genre you're reading!.

just because the authors are popular, for now, doesnt mean they are classics!.

try reading some of those authors' books and see how they are!. :] Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because everyone's too lazy to read books that are of any challenge!. They just want a nice, simple, meaningless plotline--much like television shows!. also, I blame this partially on the face-paced lifestyle people live in today--they don't have time to sit down with an 800 page classic!.


Who would you recommend!? I for one am game to read something with substance!. Although at times I will admit I do enjoy a John Grisham now and then!.

Steele!? Gag!. Patterson, never got past the first page!.


I think that in a lot of ways Stephanie Meyer is the new J!.K!. Rowling!. I haven't read any of her books, largely because of all the hype currently surrounding them!. The other reason is probably due to the fact that a movie based on the first book is coming out in a couple of months, so there's a lot of publicity!.
As far as the people you listed not being "real" authors, I'd say that the fact that they were able to get published disputes that!. Not every author is going to be nominated for Pulitzer but that doesn't make them any less of an author!.
If an author can get people to read, especially people under the age of 18, I don't care if I like what they write or not!.
As far as all the questions related to Stephanie Meyer on YA! probably has a lot to do with the fact that most of the people who ask questions in this section seem to be in the young adult genre age group!.Www@QuestionHome@Com