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Question: I need a title for my story!.!.
Hey there! Well!.!. I have a tough time coming up with titles for stories!.!. so i hope you can help me!. :)

The story summary is like this:

Ichigo Arakida is a boy, usually mistaken for a girl, but is anything but shy, which usually helps him in the long run!.
His life is what you'd think to be normal, has friends, goes to school, plays video games and works at the new, but usually busy Cafe Lucky!. Soon something happens, and the Cafe Lucky staff members are forced to show the reality of what Cafe Lucky really is, a special organization, but for what!? And what does any of this have to do with Ichigo!? Find out when you read inside!.

and this story:

Alice's life is crazy! She's always balancing work, school, friends and family, oh and not to mention there's a mysterious person coming into her life, claiming to be a vampire in need of assistance! What's worse, a normal teenage life, or to find out you're not even fully human!
Join Alice and ____ in their search to find out Alice's true identity while trying to ward off the crazy people who are after them! Can they do it, or will they be trapped in a reality, that's far from normal!?

[the reason it says Alice and ____ is because i haven't figured out a name for the vampire yet!.!. ^^; If you could also help me with that, I would love you! [not literally]]

Merci! <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are a few examples:

For your first book:
+ Ichigo
+ Cafe Lucky
+ Arakida
+ The Cafe Luck Organisation
+ Video Game Life

Second book:
+ Alice!
+ Trapped in Reality
+ School, families and vampires!
+ Vampire in Need
+ True Identity
+ High School Hell
+ Vampire High

Vampire Name:
+ Emma
+ Cody
+ James
+ Elizabeth
+ Sampson
+ Taylor
+ Victoria
+ William
+ Anakin

Hope this helps you come to a decision!. I wasn't sure if the vampire was a girl or a boy so I gave you a mix of names that exotic but not so much that people would notice!. also vampires have been dead for years so I chose oldish sounding names!.

Good luck and happy writing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea, for the first one, i think "Café Lucky"!. The 2nd one should be called "Reality" For the vampire he should be called Nixon!. But to fit into human society (if thats what he does) he could have the nickname "Nick"or "Nik" or "Nix"!. lol hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

for book 1 - L!.U!.C!.K!.Y
book 2 - Vamp!.!.!. something along the lines of that!.!.!. runs with vampires etc!. etc!.


Title for the first story: Reality change
Title for the second story: Shadows of a simple life, No looking in the mirror (as u know u can't see vampires in the mirror, they have no image), A shade of blood

And my fav question about the vampire!.!.!.I'm from Romania, Transylvania, the land of Dracula!.!.!.I think you should use a creepy name like: Vlad (the person behind the story of Dracula), Ivan
or a symbolic name like Vitalis (meaning undead)

Anyway!.!.good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Story #1 titles:
Cafe Lucky
Ichigo's Tale
Coffee Beans
Shot of Espresso
the Decaf Experience
Don't kill the Barista
Barista Boy
Coffee Geek

Story #2 titles:
Extra garlic, please

Vampire name ideas:


Just a heads-up, Alice is the name of a vampire in the Twilight series, which has recently become quite popular!. That might be something to consider if your Alice does turn out to be a vampire!. I do like the name Alice though!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com