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Question: Are You Sick Of Your Own Book!?
I'm about to write my first novel when I've finished planning and developing the main idea and I was just wondering whether you actually get sick of your own story when you've written hundreds and hundreds of pages about it!? I've never tried writing a book before but do you end up feeling really bored or do you enjoy the fact that the end result could be spectacular!? I think that I'll probably feel a mixture of both to be honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are off and on days for me!. I'm just finishing up my second book, and I've come to realize that there are highs and lows!. Some days I'll look at my writing and think it's total crap, other days I'll be amazed I wrote a particular scene!. It comes with the territory and is completely normal!.

However, it sounds like you might try planning a little bit less!. I tend to be a seat-of-the-pants writer, knowing some of the plot points ahead of time, but certainly not all of them!. I'm discovering along with my readers what happens sometimes!. Of course, I usually have to do a lot of revision after my rough draft because of this, but it's an exciting way to write!.

Just try not to be too tied down by you outline!. Let yourself go on rabbit trails if they come up!. You'd be surprised how much they do!

Ultimately, writing a book is a LOT of work, but it's so worth it if that's in your heart to do!. Stick with it, even on those down days!. You'll be glad you did!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a few times when you kinda get tired of thinking about it - that's a sign that you need to take a break!.

However, getting bored with your story is a different matter entirely!. If you're literally sick of writing your book and honestly wondering why the heck you started writing it - then you have a problem!.

In most cases, it's just the fact you need to take a nice long break from it!. No thinking about it or anything!., whether for 6 days or 6 months!.

Usually, i just get sick of the writer's block!. I take inspiration where I get it!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should feel a certain emptiness, as though you've lost some friends!. All those people you've created from your own imagination!. You've brought them to life!. In a large part, they've guided your story to its end!. You should never feel bored!. I think you'll find you miss your new 'friends!.'
Good luck on the rest of your novel
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just keep flitting from idea to idea!. Basically everyone has an idea of the perfect novel they would like to write- and every novel they write is basically like that until eventually they find the best way to tell the story they want to tell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, When I am done with my first novel, I am pretty sure I will be jumping up and down because of all of the effort I am putting into it!. I think I will also be happy because I actually followed something I really wanted to do for a long time!.

Can you answer my question!?

Some days it's a slog, some days it's the best job in the world!. Very often, it's both those things, plus a whole lot more, all within the same hour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not really!. haha thats why i write short stories, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com