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Question: I am about to write a novel and need information !.!.!.
I need info on the summer of 1946 and what teenage romances were like back then and also when boys were sent away to the army!.
also I need a good well paid job for the father and can only think of a bank manager!.
Please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Call me old fashioned, but it seems strange to be writing a novel about an era you know so little about!. I'm not one of these bores that says that anything set in the past has to be totally correct to the era and all that, but I have to wonder why you decided to set it then if you don't know much about it!. The good thing about setting novels hundreds of years ago is that no one can really contradict you as to what it was actually like to live then, whereas as late of 1946 you've got loads of oldies who were around then and can say you got it wrong!.
I'd rethink what era you set the story in if I were you!. SorryWww@QuestionHome@Com

The father in 1946 could of been an Officer in the forces, a solicitor, a doctor, or a property developer with the task of rebuilding after the bombing of the cities!.
Boys were not sent away to the army they were called up to do there National Service after World War Two!.
Romance was much the same but the courtship (dating) was very different according to my grandparents and parents growing up was much slower than children do in modern times!. Fashion was another thing that was different and everyone were clones of their parents girls wearing twin sets and pearls and young men wore suits once they were allowed to wear long trousers at about 12 or 13 years of age!. It all changed in the sixties when Mary Quant invented the mini skirt and tights came into fashion instead of stocking and suspenders (in 1946 I don't think there were to many stockings available) !.
Young people went to youth clubs more than they do today, a treat would of been a visit to the pictures!. There were no pop groups but dance bands were popular!.

Of course you could write about 2008 which you should know about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the term teenager was actually invented in the sixties!. Permissive society, so one!. Before then it was child to young adult!.

It was more sedate - walking out, a bit less sex before marriage, etc!. You can find biographies written at the time, probably!. Try Helen Forrester, although she's a bit earlier!. Her biographies are Liverpool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wasn't born until much later, but there were a lot of high-paying factory jobs back then!. Aircraft, automobile, etc!. also, things like the logging industry was booming then too as the housing industry started really booming towards the end of the war!.

Of course, there were always medical specialists as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your best bet would be to talk to your parents or grandparents [depending on your age]Www@QuestionHome@Com