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Question: Theodore Roethke's 'She'
Does anyone know where I could find some information on this poem or at least what the main theme is!? I have searched google for the better part of an hour and haven't been able to find anything remotely relating to it, apart from the actual poem!. If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's about the magical properties of the woman, the "she" with whom the speaker is in love!. His inamorata is associated with dance, song, water, music!. She creates a sense of area because her song fills space with loneliness!. She is the essential creator, makes all existence, is fluid and illuminative!. She reaches deep into him, into his "inner ear!." She has magical synaesthetic properties, having access to the "speech of light!." The poem is written with lots of end stopped lines whose simplicity accentuates the wonders it presents!. First two stanzas are 6 lines, with opening and closing couplets; last stanza is one off rhyme followed by a perfect rhyme, tying up the whole!. Poem is full of memorable lines, especially the last two!.

This is a typical Roethke love poem!. Read "I Knew a Woman" and you'll see another version of how a pretty woman affected Roethke, or at least a Roethke male speaker!. Love gives the properties of the marvelous and the generative to the beloved, is the main idea!. Moreover, when it's love it can be any person--doesn't have to be a really extraordinary person, as the generic, pronomial title indicates!. Love will work its magic!. Or so he says!.Www@QuestionHome@Com