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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can i read some good teenage books online?or aritcles a teenager would lik

Question: Where can i read some good teenage books online!?or aritcles a teenager would like
where would be a website i can go to !?to read online

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Books by Lili Dauphin are loved by teenagers!. You can read them online at Amazon!.com!. Lili just released "My First Sin"!. It is the story of a young girl growing up poverty stricken in the Caribbean!. Tilou is searching for her first sin so she can attend her first communion!. Tilou has quite the adventure!. You will laugh, cry, love what happens, hate what happens, and experience many emotions while reading this book!. You will also learn to have hope, to believe in yourself, and to forgive those who betray you!.!. I was moved by the strength, courage, and kindness of this child!. This is the 3rd book about Tilou!. "Crying Mountain" is about Tilou surviving a class 4 hurricane!. "I Will Fly Again-the Restavek" is about Tilou surviving child slavery!. Www@QuestionHome@Com