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Question: Breaking dawn - Not a werewolf!? *spoiler alert*
So, at the end of Breaking Dawn it is revealed that the "werewolves" in Forks are not actually werewolves, they are shape shifters!. But if this is true, why do they still have the ability to kill vampires!? I think it was in Twilight that Edward said only another vampire can kill a vampire, and then in New Moon we found werewolves can kill vampires, too!. The Volturi said they shifted into wolves, not werewolves!.

Any theories on this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's actually never stated, to my knowledge, that legitimate werewolves, or "children of the moon" can kill vampires!. The Quileute shape shifters can kill the vampires because that's what they were born to do!. They are connected to the vampires, and only exist when the vampires are nearby!. The magic that dictates their change is tied directly to the beings that they are meant to kill!.
In contrast, the werewolves kill and infect humans!. This shows that they are not tied to the vampires in any way, rather, their powers are tied to humans!. The seeming ease with which the Volturi wiped out their race also points to the fact that true werewolves were not meant to be the equal match of vampires!.

At least, that's how I justified it in my head!. I still think it was a dumb idea to say that the werewolves aren't werewolves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the real werewolves turn on the full moon
as it says, the quiletes are shape shifters
and their shape happens to be a wolf
and they're super strong
it's just how it isWww@QuestionHome@Com

They shape shift because of the vampires!. If theey were weres they would do it even when the vamps were'nt there!.

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