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Question: Twilight Series!.!.!.MEN ONLY PLEASE
For you guys:
Did you like/dislike the books!?
How old are you!?

For girls that answer this anyway:
Do you know guys who read the books!?
Did they like/dislike them!?
How old are they!?

I'm thinking of making my boyfriend read the books so he can take me to the movies when Twilight comes out in December!. So, I was just wondering if any guys have enjoyed them!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The books are great books!. i am 17 years old and loved the books!. they are my all time favorites and i couldn't put them down after i picked them up!. Those books are actually some of the only books i own!. you don't have to be a girl to respect Stephenie Meyer's writing!. There is plenty of action and the love story is sweet and a lot of guys do like vampires so it is still a great book for guys too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a very large circle of male friends who are fantasy readers, but I only know two who've read them!.

One hated the series; he's in his early-to-mid-30's, and read them because his wife (a librarian), enjoyed them!.

Another friend (a bookstore manager in his late 20's) thought "they're well-written, but!.!.!. I'm *not* a 14-year-old girl!."

My boyfriend (early 30's) is planning to read 'Twilight'; I despised it, and he's curious to know if it's as bad as I said it was!. (He also saw the film trailer and wasn't impressed!.)

[I do know a guy (30) who is planning to see the film!. I don't know if he actually read the books--he certainly makes fun of them--but thinks the lead actress is hot!. If your boyfriend doesn't enjoy the books, well, you might be able to convince him to see the movie anyway!.]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a girl, but my best friend is a guy and he's read them!.

Do you know guys who read the books!?
Yes, my best friend!.
A guy from school who used to be one of my best buds (we don't talk now)!.
Aaaaaaand another guy friend!.

Did they like/dislike them!?
My best friend likes them, but he's femmy in the first place (he loves chick flicks, worships musicals like Wicked, hates sports, and loves shopping!. Lol)!.
The one who used to be my friend HATED them!. He read them because his mom forced him into it and he said it was absolute torture!.
The other guy friend thought they were okay!. He said they were too cheesy and that he barely managed to finish them!.

How old are they!?

I don't think you should try and make him read the books, that might annoy him!. However, you could suggest that he just try the first one and see what he thinks of it!. It's no use trying to persaude him if he doesn't want to go on with it though!. I imagine that they are not the sort of books that will appeal to a lot of boys!.

You might enjoy the film more if you go with someone else who is likely to enjoy it, like a girl friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My boyfriend (17-years old) liked them, & he usually doesn't even like the mushy-gooey love stuff!. I usually don't either!. I guess that doesn't apply to us for the Twilight books!.

I LOVE having my boyfriend read them because Edward sets such a good example for boyfriends all around the world!. HAHAHAH!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

heheehe im a girl who answered anyway - u no that the surest way to make sure that girls will answer is to say 'guys only'!?!?!? lol but true!.

i met 1 LIVE twilight guy (i seriously thought they only existed on the internet!!)

scarily enough, his name was jacob!. (!!!) he's about 15, not sure exactly, but he didnt like them!.!.!. how sad!.


My friend liked it, he's 16!. I like it too!. I'm sick of people saying it sucked because it wasn't realistic or whatever!. It's a freaking vampire novel, get the hell over it and stop being such a baby!. UGH!. I didn't LOVE the books but I'm definitely glad I read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am wise for my age and think the books have gotten progressively worse!. I would not recommenced them to an guy and don't see why girls like these books!. The female characters are all fawning wimps and are bad examples for America’s young woman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a guy and im fifteen and i am reading twilight now, almost done with it and i really like the book!. im planning on reading the rest as soon as i get done with twilight!. cant wait to see the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a girl!.

Yes, I know two guys who read/are reading it!.

The first one liked it, the second thinks it's kinda boring and not as interesting as Harry Potter!.

They are both 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he likes them http://answers!.yahoo!.com/my/profile;_ylt!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess the plot was ok!. Though I didn't really like Bella or Edward and can't see how they fell in love when they clearly have no chemistry!.
15 yrs!. oldWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the books!. I think they are full of action and any guy like myself would read them
I'm 15 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I know a couple guys who read the book and thought it was cool!. The age group was like 14-16! Www@QuestionHome@Com

My brother read them to meet girls because there is a Twilight Club at our high school and he just graduated so he's 18!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I looved the book - although Breaking Dawn pissed me off a lot! I am 15!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know a single guy that has read Twilight, let alone liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um well my bff has a cusion whos 15 and reads it he enjoys it lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Only gay/weirdos/idiots would like it!.

what a disgrace to literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com